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As I walked in I couldn't get my head out of the sunglasses he wore. For some reason it looked familiar. Looking back at it again. I saw a crack on it's left glass. Huh.

I shake my head out of the matter and looked around his modernized home. Compared to the other houses. His was painted on and his roof was made of bricks instead of wood. I walked around and there I saw. A huge logo of what seemed like... a tiger. It's magenta eyes glaring a lightning like shape. Placed right on top of his door.

That's when I realized. It's the nightly beast. I turn to Jimmy which looked busy showing around my group. "Hey! Excuse me!" I yell running towards him. His head jolt to me. "Yes your highness?"

"Do you know anything about the nightly beast?!" I asked quickly. His face looked surprised. Biting his lip, like he's resisting to tell something. He let's out a sigh. "Yes. Alot."

I felt myself jump with excitement inside.

"In fact. This whole village praised me for it." He added.

I knew it. I knew the glasses weren't just familiar! His stained shirt, his brown hair, his-

"For I was the one who tamed the beast." He finshed.

My mind scrambled. What? I couldve sworn I saw a man in the woods; a man transforming into a beast. It must and it should be this guy!

"Woah! You did?" Mark asked curiously. Astonished by his bravery.
"Yes! When the beast first showed up.. it wasn't here to protect it. But to invade it." He told. All three standing in to hear more. But I stayed back. Thinking.

Him taming the beast means he tamed a man. He must be lying. It's the only explanation. His features, his clothes. Like the shirt his wearing.. I know for sure that small droplets of maroon stains on his back are blood, blood from when he had a battled in the woods a few hours ago.

I stood there my hand on my chin. All these clues and red strings may point to the same idea. But it can also be a coincidence.

Before I concluded I walk towards them to hear if he has any proof in his claims.

When I heard him he was already halfway through his story. "The beast agreed that in return, he'd have the meals he wanted every night."
"And who provides that?" Mark asked. Jimmy turned "Mostly me of course."

I squint in suspicion. You provide the meals huh?

After the talk he starts to lead us inside. His house was big but I wouldn't consider it a mansion. Though his voice litrrally echoed through, but its probably because it was complete silence inside. Until..

"Ey Jimmy who's this?" Someone yelled from upstairs. "Wha- No! Chandler go back to your room can't you see I'm with the royal prince here?" He scolds. The guy named Chandler looked at him with a schocked look. Along with someone behind him who looked shorter.

"Wait Chris you stay and make dinner"
"Oh! No no, it's fine we still need to hurry tomorrow." I excused only realizing after that I might've caused another panic. "Oh.." he replied unexpectingly calm. "Yeah umm. You don't need your assitants to..."
"Oh no sir.. they're my friends..." He corrects.
"By the way last one to leave the couch tomorrow gets a thousand dollars." He suddenly challenges. Both of the dudes. Rushing to their rooms followed by rustling noises.

"Have a seat your highness. I'll clean up your room." He spoke as he went climbing up the stairs.

The four of us decided to sit down his couch and glanced around. Pretending to be busy. Until Mark broke the silence. "Your highness?"
"Yeah?" I replied in a dash. Hoping for this weird atmosphere to go away.

"Uhm. We don't exactly have a proper plan here." Said the knight.
"What do you mean? Getting allies and weapons sounds like a good plan to me."
"No. I mean. We don't even know anything about our enemy except the fact that they invaded the castle and the rest of the places around it." He sighs. "But we don't know what they are. Why they're doing this. And how-"
"What do you mean 'What they are'?" Brad interrupted. And to be honest. I'd like to know too.

"We all saw the beast. Who knows what other creatures exist out there? Maybe these group of assassins are aliens, or invaders from the sea." He explained. I wanted to say something back. But he has a point. Our world is more magical than I thought.

"True. With them wearing hooded cloaks and all. We can't tell." Brad agreed. "But their hands says other wise." I mention. Both of them looking to me. "I saw their hands. It was human. Pretty sure they're just a bunch of people with a well thought out plan."

They nodded to me, looking like they're considering I might be right.
"Still. We don't have enough information. Maybe there's someone in the castle-"
"Someone in the castle!? Everyone there is probably dead!" I yell with the sudden thought of my family. My father. Dead. Then theres my mother and sister. I don't even know where they are. Whether they escaped or not.

The nervous feeling hit me. All this is happening and I hadn't thought of my family. And now that I'm getting the clear view. I felt the anxiety in my body. I began breathing quickly like I was suffocating. I never wanted to feel like this. I don't want to show that I'm weak, their prince. Their supposed King is their only hope.

I placed my hands behind my head, my elbows resting on my lap. My eyes completely closed. Trying to calm myself.

"Bedroom's ready!" Some guy yelled. I hear Mark and Brad walk past me. They probably assumed I was just thinking.

Hearing the footsteps fade. I notice something's missing. I tried to look up to the sight of Marzia sitting next to me, her beautiful brown eyes look at me with worry. She's saying something, but I can't hear it. I could only hear ringing until her words slowly echoed through my ears. "Are you okay? Your highness?"

The ringing stopped. I look at her concerned face. Out of all the people to stay. It was her. Her whom I've treated badly at the start of all this. She was actually... pretty decent. I breathe in deeply before replying "I'm fine." Then leaving her there.

Her eyes... it showed her true emotions. It showed than she genuinely worried. But... why would she?

"This way your highness."


Jimmy let me in a master bedroom together with Marzia..


"Why are you here?" I ask looking at the brunette.

"Newly wed couples get to sleep together right?" He spoke to us from behind. Shifting his glasses with a smile.

The door shut.

With only me, and Marzia in the room. A single bed.. for two people. Specifically a couple.

But that's the thing.

We're not a couple. We literally don't like or atleast are not comfortable with each other.

I look at her. My eyes meeting hers. She looked away flushed in red.

I caught myself staring at this embarrassed princess.. and felt a smile form.

Whether she told him about the hoax honeymoon or not.

How much do I win anything if I take this challenge?

Has llegado al final de las partes publicadas.

⏰ Última actualización: Jul 13, 2019 ⏰

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