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Tale of the Nightly Beast


We start to hear noise outside like the entire village was in panic. Even Rosanna looks scared. "No. Wait, there's no war-"
Mark suddenly elbows me, "I mean.. there is but-"
"No! I mean.. we just need enough food and supply to continue on our journey to hire allies for it, your village is far away so it will take some time for them to conquer this place but please will you help us?!" I said, my words flying out of my mouth like a train. Rosanna was fanning her face with her hands trying to calm down.... then she immediately ran inside.

"There goes our sources." Brad said annoying me a bit. We heard clanging and crumpling from the inside. Just when we were about to leave Rosanna came out from the room "Wait! Here.. I got everything I could offer you my prince." She says while giving a handful of food supply. I gesture Brad to take it.

While taking it from her arms, I could tell she was shaking. I took her hand once Brad finished and she quickly looked up and back at me. "Rosanna calm down. I know this is all worthy of panic, but we promise we will return the kingdom's peace." I assure. I feel the four of them looked at me in relief, even if we're not ready. I let go of her hand and smiled. "For now. Pack up and head to a farther place from here, or better, flee to another kingdom." I suggested, her obeying immediately.

When we got out everyone was already packing and moving out. I guess there's no need to warn them. And there's also no use to find allies since almost everyone was panicking and leaving their houses. We ride on our steed with Brad carrying the food we got from this place.

Before we continue on however. I hear a woman call my name. "I trust you your highness. Please claim back your kingdom." She yelled at me since everyperson here is almost screaming. She bows before smiling, "It's an honor to serve you. Prince Felix."

For the first time in my life, this happened to me. The honest and assured smile from one of my people, trusting me to save them. Now I want and I will make sure I can save this kingdom. No matter what. I smile back at her. Genuinely.

I glance at Marzia who looked surprised. It made me smirk alot through the travels.

It took a few hours to get to the next village. And this time the village looked so..... normal? I mean how would I know, I live in a castle. But this looked like an entertaining side of my kingdom. Everyone wasn't in panic and seems to be enjoying themselves. I got off my horse when I realized almost nobody recognized their own prince until a tender yelled. "PRINCE FELIX?!" .....again.

But instead of everyone gathering around me, they whispered to themselves. Wow.

I walk to the tender which jumped in excitement. Everyone else was just looking. "Excuse me-"
"YES YOUR MAJESTY?" He replied right away making me wanna step back. He had this weird accent on him that I noticed. "I wanna ask if.." I thought of it. What else do we not have?

"If you know any blacksmiths that can provide weapons for us?" I ask. The tender smiled. "OH your highness.. you must be in the wrong village. Weildenvale is on the other side of the forest." The tender informed with a sudden softer voice. "BUT!" He quickly added making me almost jump. "If you need weapons of TEETH. We have just the right beast for you your majesty!!!"

This time I became curious. Weapons of teeth? What's that suppose to mean? And beast? Is this some sort of science experiment gone wrong?

The tender moved closer to whisper at me. "In the night. A beast appears, his blue fur with black stripes, always gave us a sign that he has come." The tender proceeded to story tell.
"Sign? What is this beast? A nightly murdere-"
"No! He is this here village's HERO! Your highness... I suggest you remain until night to see the beautiful beast before you!!" He finished with a huge smile.

This guy sure knows alot. But Im not sure if I can trust him.

I walk back to my group and told them about what the guy just said. Hoping they have their own comments on it and how we will proceed with such information.

Sir Mark put his hand on his chin. Thinking. "You know your highness. Maybe we should consider this tale of his. And stay in for the night."

I look at Brad for any other options. But he has nothing. I even considered to look to Marzia. "Is a fairy tale really that necessary?" I hear Marzia mutter. My eyes widened. Somehow we had the same thing in mind. "Who knows what's out there? You cant just let things go when we're this needy can we?" Mark retorted.

"But what if we just waste our time?" She said making us all look at her with surprise. Even if I've seen her look this defensive. It made me like her a little.

When she noticed our looks she turned pink for a moment. "Umm, with all due respect my prince.. but don't we need to move quick? Plus, that person you just spoke to looked a little creepy to me. He was acting so weird with his big smiles and loud voice." She said a little scared. She must be thinking too much about what just happened. Especially that our families are in harm's way.

I can't believe I'm aggreeing with her, but she proved herself to me. "Alright. Get on your horses. We're going to the next village." I declare making Mark sigh in defeat.

I look to Marzia seeing her surprised face after I agreed to her judgements. I laugh. "C'mon Ms Bisognin." I call making her shake her head and get on the black horse with me.


It wasn't long until we we're back to the muddy forest. Brad looked behind me to the setting sun. "Maybe we should've stayed for the night." He suggested. Making Mark scoff and left me thinking. Will we even make it to the next village before midnight? Who knows? I barely studied the maps of YouTube when I went to school anyway.

I sigh. The village wasn't far back. Maybe we could try and return. I turn my horse around. "Alright let's go" I order with Mark's steed following behind me.

For some reason I couldn't hear Marzia behind me anymore. And felt warmth from my back. "Aw Sire. Looks like the damzel has fallen asleep behind you." Brad teased.

I glare at him before looking behind my shoulder. It seems she have. After all this venturing out and cool breeze on our faces. No doubt she must've been tired, adding the fact that she's still wearing her wedding gown.

A rustle came from in front of us. The noise came from behind a bush. Nearer to the village. And it sounds like someone's grunting like they're in pain. "Must be constipated" Mark jokingly blurted. But I didn't bother. Because it definitely didn't sound that way at all. It sounds like geniune pain.

Hearing this man breathe through his teeth. I imagine he's turning into some sort of demon or something. I tried to walk my horse nearer to peek.

"Your Highness!" Mark yelled. Before I can turn to him I see the man hunched back and breathing heavily. His brown hair turning to blue and so does the rest of his body. His sunglasses fall off his face and his teeth sharpened as he transformed into........... a beast.

It's eyes glared at me. From what looked like a man in pain.. to this....

"It.. can't.. be-"

Then it roared loud enough for the bright moon to hear.

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