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Ocean eyes


My dad called from downstairs right after I woke up. I grunted on the sun shining it's light at my face.

I ran to the door and opened seeing my mother approaching. "Marzia!? You just woke up!? It's nine in the morning!" My mother says as I rubbed my eyes. "Marzia. Get dressed up now! Or we'll be late to see the king!"

I responded with a yawn and laughed. "See the king?! Ha- wait. SEE THE KING?!" I accidentally yell and shut the door on my mother face.

Ooohh no no no no no.

I panicked and headed to the shower immediately. After cleaning myself like I'm late for school. I grabbed the towel and walked out, running for my closet and going through all my clothes. All these are not good enough.

I complained with each dress I saw.
Too short.
Too plain.
Too ruffley.
Too slim.
So on and so on. None of it is worthy to wear infront of royalty.

And then it came in my mind.
I am going to meet the prince.

Many... many people has seen the prince. Mostly by pictures on newspapers. But nobody in this lame town has ever met him in person. As in.. even rhe rich townspeople-people.

I feel my sweat trickle down beside my face. I'm freaking out. The prince is a handsome beautiful man. Handsome?... beautiful?... either of the two! And I cannot show up with dresses like thes-

Knock knock

I hear behind me. Turning to the door with a frustrated face. "Yesss??"
"Marzia open up. I have something for you." My mother answered.
I walked towards my door until I felt the cold breeze slide on my skin. Im half-naked.

"Ah! Wait I dont have clothes yet-!"
I frantically pull out almost all my dresses until I hear my mother's keys dangling outside. "M-mom wait!"

She opens the door halfway and peeked in, holding up a simple graded pink dress yet looked like the one I was looking for.


"Mom.. where did you get this?" I ask while our butts jumped inside the carraige due to the bumpy road ahead. "I bought it a week ago."
"A week ago?! You told me about the wedding just the day before yesterday!" I said, noticing the cold glare my father gave me after the way I spoke. I turn to him sitting infront of me.

It only felt like yesterday when my dad informed me of it.

"Marzia! This is the second time. Come down here!" I hear him yell at me while descending down the steps. Geez. Can't he wait??

"Im here now dad.. what is it?"

I take a step at the living room and see both my parents. There were three separated sofas, one big and two small ones. They circled around the fancy looking carpet with a coffee table standing in the middle. And infront was the wall where the television was attached. My mom and dad sat on the big sofa looking intimidating.

I walked towards them sitting on the small sofa on their left.

My mom smiled at me while my father looked down on a piece of paper. The words were see through since the light above lit the paper. Four signatures can be seen at the bottom.

My throat was stuck when I noticed it was probably another rich family who they made terms with. Soon to just fail. These rich people were too desperate to work with us.

"Marzia... this isn't about rich people who own companies anymore, so please take this seriously." My mom started. Turning towards my dad who still wouldn't face me. Until he looked up staring into my eyes.

I don't know why.. but I got nervous. This seems like something that would change everything. And it was.

"Marzia. You are to be married to the Prince of  Youtube. Prince Felix."

In that moment I refused to believe it. But now I was about to meet him.. not only him but his family.

"I.. since when did you know?" I asked with no eye contact with either of them, I just kept my eyes at my lap that's covered in the dress my mom gave me. "Since two weeks ago. Remember when we said we were off to a meeting?" She reminded. And I remembered.

"That was with the king and queen!?"
She nodded in response.
I couldn't believe this was reality. I even tried pinching my hand and it was clear this was about to happen.

I sigh trying to calm myself, and looked outside the window. We were about to approach the castle. It was white with red bricked roofs and doors. Red flags with white triangles being blown by the wind at the top of each roof.

At that point my heart was beating rapidly. It was beating so fast that I could hear it. I closed my eyes and breathed heavily while the feeling of anxiety flowed through my nerves. I was squinting my eyelids so tight until a pair of hands held mine.

At first I assumed it was Mom but.. it was Dad. I was shocked. For the first time in a while. My dad showed affection to me. The whole company thing has driven him so stressed that I thought the father I knew was long gone. But he was still there.

"Marzia. Calm down. Act properly omce we get there alright?" He said, his choice of words feeling a bit blunt but I saw the concern in his eyes. I smiled. "Okay dad."

The moment we stepped out an assistant led our way inside. The castle looked like expected. Grand and royal halls, windows as big as a town house gate, and flags dangling along the side with crsytal chandeliers all around.

Once we arrived at the throne room, the guards opened the door revealing a room so big and decorated it's almost weird to think this was only for a throne.

We walked further down the carpet towards the throne where the king sat. His blonde hair glistened on the light, and his crown shining along with it's gems. This..... cant be real.

We stopped when the assistant halted our steps. And she left immdiately after bowing down. We bowed down with her. "Your highne-" My father spome but was quickly interrupted when the doorknob clicked. Everyone turned around to see.

The prince...

The prince.. looked exactly like the newspapers. He was a tall, handsome and a well built man.

We looked at each other. His glistening ocean like eyes staring back into mine.

We hear the king spoke. But I notice he kept looking at me.

"Along with your bride to be."

By the time the king finished. His gaze broke away from mine. His face from looking rested to.... disappointed.

But that look lived short since he gave us a warm smile right after.

"Hello. I am Prince Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg."

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