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Getting along


Marzia and I were told to know each other whilst our parents discussed the wedding.

I took her to the castle garden which is overdecorated. On the way it was very awkward. And now that we are here.... she is still awkward. While walking around the floral place, I looked at her burning red ears as she looks at her toes. She's blushing so much. God I hope she's not a fangirl or something.

"Ah! Am I red?! I'm so sorry your highness!" She apologized after noticing me staring. I smile at the flustered girl. "It's fine. You know, if we are to be wed. I'd suggest you stop calling me, 'Your Highness'" I suggested while we walk along the white roses of the garden.

"Oh.. uh okay, F- Felix...?" She said, to which I noticed she felt uncomfortable, and so did I. It's weird for somebody you barely know, call you by your first name.

I sighed heavily trying to break the silence. "Okay umm, Marzia. How did your father become the richest man in town?" I ask the girl whose face turn from red to normal tan. She seems to be settling in now.

"My father always told me that he worked hard to get there. And thats all I ever knew." She told me.

Huh.. a secretive father. Sounds like mine. I don't even know why they chose her of all kingdoms.

"Uhm, so why do you think you're chosen to be wed to me?" I asked her with a cold glare. And I know that because she looked pale at the sight of my eyes at the moment. "I...well- I- guess..." she stuttered as I give her a judging look which intimidated her even more. This is not my style to ask people like this but when in terms of kingdom bonds. I need to know a geniune answer.

"Because.. Im... rich?" She finished. Yet it wasn't an answer. It was a question. Indicating she's not sure, but if it's the first thing she thought of...

"Just as I thought." I whisper but not quietly enough that she heard me. "What?"

I glanced at her before hearing a voice behind me. "My prince!"
I turned around to see..... Brad.
"Ugh what is it?" I responded with an obvious tone of annoyance.
Brad clearly saw this since he smirked at me.

"Uhh.. I just wanted to remind you that your horse is going to be taken in training today.." he says whilst writing down something on his papers.

Oh yeah, that's today..

I glanced behind my butler to see my beautiful black stallion headed out for training. I walk pass Brad towards my horse until his gloved hands grabs my arm and stopped me from getting to my horse. "Fe- I mean.. My prince, I forgot that to tell you that, someone else is training your horse. Since your father said you'd be too busy getting along with Ms. Marzia." He finished explaining.

I felt irritated at the information he just told me. This.. all of this was getting in my nerves. "No thanks Brad. I want to train my horse." I stated. But that didn't stop my butler friend. "Felix. King's orders-"
"And I order you to not call me Felix in public didn't I?" I snap at him. It triggered me when he said my name. He knows he can only call me that when we are alone as friends. But we're not alone. There's this, rich girl behind us. Who I noticed looked very confused of the moment.

I huffed and continued walking towards my steed.

"Hey you!" I call at the guard holding my horse's reigns. "It's all good. I'll take care of him." I reassure before he walked away. I turn to suddenly seeing the brunette behind me.

Her presence almost made me jump but I managed to hold my ground.
I don't know why but I just want her to get of my tail.

I quickly got on my horse starting to lead it away. "Uhh wait-"
"Look, I'm busy okay? Why don't you go with Brad and walk around yhe castle since you're bound to be--" my mouth hesitated to say it. She's not queen... she is not my queen and that's because-

"..bound to be what?" She asks looking at me directly in the eyes. "...bound to be queen who doesn't deserve it." I blurted, immediately regretting it.

In that moment, I didn't stop myself anymore... I let it all out, the anger, and the disappointment. It all burst out of my like flamethrowers. "You don't deserve it lil' townsgirl! You think you can marry me because of you money?! If I knew someone worthy enough to be my wife it would be someone from another kingdom. Not a rich towns girl from nowhere, known for being a daughter of a wealthy man!"

When I stopped I looked like I just fought a battle, heated ears, heavy breathing.
I looked away and realized I might've sounded hypocritical. I turn to say something but her face ceased me to continue.

She was red, her hands covered her face as I saw the tears falling down to her cheeks and dripped pass her palms. She sniffed "You- you're a jerk!"

She stammered before running away. Brad looked at me coldly, which is something I've seen him do, but not to me.(or any of my family) Ever. "You shouldn't have been so harsh." He spoke clearly taking the crying girl's side. It pissed me off but I know it was true.

I brushed it off and lead my horse to training, trying to forget the matter.


I returned by the hit of dawn, feeling exhausted with my horse, I immediately gave him to our helper who lead the stallion to it's stable.

On my way in, a brunette maid who don't remember the name of, quickly ran towards me, "My prince, dinner is in five minutes, the King requires your presence." She says. Leaving me confused.... why? Because Brad is the one that tells me these. Not this brunette right here. I sigh.

"I'll be there."

And quickly walked to my room for a change.

After almost six minutes I was running to the dining room in a hurry. Five minutes clearly wasn't enough for this prince. I arrived behind the doors and gently opened it.

Finally. Food to rest my-

The feeling relief sank, as I stared at a room of six people, my father, mother, sister, and the Bisognin family. It would be seven if I included Brad. Where was he a moment ago anyway?

"Felix.. come in and take a seat." My mother said gesturing me to sit beside Marzia. As if this day couldn't get any worse.

As I sat down and immediately felt uncomfortable. Who wouldn't if they were to sit beside a girl that they made cry. I hate my anger issues.

After the last meal arrived everyone started eating once my father gave the sign. I tapped on my plate clearly not in the mood. But I have to play it and act normal. It was not easy.

"Alright now onto the news." My father began and we all stopped holding our utensils. "Felix, Marzia. There have been changes on the wedding."

Hearing this, I was delighted but horrified as well. If it is even possible. Because the news is either about the wedding being cancelled, or somethig else. I don't know what it could be.

"Your wedding will happen tomorrow instead of the day after." He finished.

He smiled at the two of us, in which we both returned shocked looks. I felt it.. the way she froze infront of me clearly meant she was not happy.

"You two are getting along this morning, right Felix?" Mother asked with the excited tone of a voice.

I see Marzia turn to me in my peripheral vision. To which I replied, facing my mother.

"Yes. We are."

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