[recording #01]

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"I want you to tell me about Akihiro Kanou."

"No, no... nno.. I don't want to say. I don't want to!" A sob cut thought the room. His interrogator didn't say a word, didn't move a muscle.

"I won't talk to youuu!" A loud shout, followed by the sound of something repeatedly hitting the table (a head?)

That's when the other man finally spoke up "Takizawa-kun, if you refuse to provide relevant information I will have no choice but to leave you to the science department. I'm already barely managing to hold them off with the promise that you are of more use like this." As soon as the idea of scientists was mentioned he started to rock side to side, the cold, iron chair lifting from the ground and slamming back down with a rhythmic "clank, clank, clank"

They say like that for three minutes. Even trough the tape you could sense the tense silence, feel Houji's gaze burning a hole in your skull.

"He wouldn't stop." The words were spoken with a clear voice, a purpose. Lucidity and bitterness.

"No matter how much I screamed he wouldn't stop. I remember how I begged him to kill me."

This time the recording isn't stoped by Houji, but instead ends because it was thrown into a wall.

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