[another chance #01]

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Takizawa was barely aware that anytime at all had passed, much less that a week had. He spent every woke moment screaming and when he was lucid enough trying to threaten and kill anyone who came close enough. Understandably, he had been kept on something to keep him in 'control'.

Hah, control. That was funny, as if he wasn't already helpless enough locked up they had to make him doubly as pathetic. It felt like every day passed by in a second yet an eternity, constantly slipping in and out of consciousness.

Today though things were oddly still. Takizawa could already feel the effects of the drug easing up. And then, with a screeching sound the door suddenly opened. Gingerly he crept towards the door, looking out into the hallway only to discover that his hasn't been the only one. All the doors were open and no guards were in sight. A few prisoners carefully ventured out into the hallway, then upon discovering that no one was coming to stop them they proceeded to flee the hell that was cochlea's lower layers.

Takizawa walked slowly along the shadows, avoiding meeting anyone's eyes. He steadied himself against the wall since his head wasn't quite cleared up. Someone running past him pushed his shoulder and almost made him tumble. He growled and halfheartedly sent a kagune shard in their general direction.

Takizawa's head was spinning and the dark grey walls mixed together with the similarity coloured floor until he couldn't tell where one ended and the other started. Maybe he should have just stared in the room, if Houji found out he was sure to be disappointed.

Hmph, he had didn't know why he cared. He didn't... he did. He worried about the man more than he had any right to.

Reaching an open area Takizawa saw a woman dressed in a dark suit and tight skirt charging at a ghoul. The ghoul barely had any time to react before his head was laying on the floor in a pool of blood. Then, the woman leaned back to celebrate her victory but was pierced through with a pulsing red kagune. She coughed and a stream of dark red liquid streamed out of her mouth. The kagune withdrew and she fell to her knees with a gaping hole in her stomach, guts spilling onto the floor. He realised he had walked into the battlefield.

As the fog had lifted from his mind gradually Takizawa now felt much better. When he saw another dove attacking a ghoul, this time not one dressed in the usual prison clothes he jumped in, impaling the man on multiple parts of his body. Pulling away, watching the blood run down his kagune he smiled. A splatter landed on his face and his tongue farted out to lick it away.

"What's happening?" He asked the ghoul who's fight he had just interrupted. This one was wearing a gas mask and camouflage clothes. It was clear that whatever was the reason for this breakout, he was part of those behind it.

"We're here to break out Fueguchi. And released most others as a distraction." The masked ghoul explained, being very nonchalant with giving out information considering the fact that Takizawa very obviously was not part of the group arranging this 'rescue mission'.

At the name Takizawa burst out in laughter. It started as a chortle which soon turned into loud cackling. "Fueguchi?! Then Ayato is behind this, that infatuated idiot.. ahaha..." Takizawa wiped a tear from his cheek for dramatic effect. The gas-mask seemed taken aback.

"Well, whatever." With that Takizawa continued onward, practically flying up the stairs knowing the exit was further up.

On the next floor more bodies were piled up left and right, enough so that Takizawa had to kick a few away to the side in his haste, along with a dismembered arm. The irony smell of blood was overwhelming, as was the urge to lose control and let himself go wild. He was hungry.

But he knew, oh he knew that if he did he would be stuck here for the next hours, until there were nothing more to consume. Inside of him was a monster and it was one he couldn't control. And normally it was fine. Normally he was content seeing himself as a monster but now... there was only one reason the bunny brat would pick this time to stage a breakout in cochlea.

The CCG was occupied raiding Aogiri.

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