[recording #02]

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"That's the first time you've greeted me."

"Yeah." Takizawa's voice lacked its usual insane quality. The word was followed by the sound of someone sliding further down into their chair.

"Will you tell me about Aogiri's hideout?"

"I'm just sitting here waiting for my death. I don't see the point in prolonging it."

A pause.

"It doesn't have to be that way. We have-" Houji was interrupted.

"And why shouldn't it!? I'm just a monster aren't I?! I deserve to die, so at least let me do that much in peace."

There was a long pause as the shouting and crying quietened down slowly. Then, when he could finally make himself heard while speaking in a calm conversational tone Houji spoke up.

"You aren't a monster Takizawa."

"Who do you think you are fooling? I know perfectly well what I have done. And do you have any idea what that feels like? What it feels like to push your hand through a girls abdomen until it tears through her lungs, all the while she's screaming in pain? Do you have any idea what it's like to be so, so hungry that you just can't help yourself? Do you have any idea what it's like to black out and wake up with the blood of your former comrades coating your hands and lips? Well, do you?!"

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