[recording #07]

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"What's wrong?" Houji actually sounded concerned. Takizawa couldn't help but start laughing at his tone.


"You were screaming at thin air and trying to claw your eyes out." Houji gently reminded him.

"I was fa~ki~ng it"


"No waay will they listen to the requests of a crazy ghoul. But I figured someone might tell you and then you'd come here."


"I wanted to see you." Takizawa admitted. "Because it's lonely here. And the food is bad. And no one is tearing me apart limb for limb so I have too much alone time with my thoughts. Can you blame me?"

"No, but please don't disturb me while I'm working."

"Ah I'm... " he was looking for an appropriate word" sorry. I'm sorry, Houji-san!" Saying this he almost sounded like the old Takizawa, like it hadn't been two years and a bloodbath since they last were partnered together.

"Don't be." There was a longing deep in his voice, a wish for that to be the case. It wasn't and it would never be.

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