[recording #06]

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"Where there any other survivors you were aware of?" Houji kept his voice even, let's-pretend-nothing-happened-last-time-i-was-here.

"Oh of course there was. Plenty of 'em. It didn't remain that way for long though."

"How so?"

"Ah, you see..." here Takizawa trailed off, as if remembering something that had occurred in the past, collecting his memories to give a good run-down "there was an extremely low chance of survival for those subjected to the owl experiments. Of those who didn't die instantly a majority turned into mindless breathing corpses. But you know something? Every single one who survived that long, even the absolute failures had an RC count far superior to that if a human."

Pausing to catch his breath, then continuing while anxiously tapping away at the table surface.

"And that's why they tasted so bad." He finished, letting the implications of that hang in the air.

"Ah, Amon was among them of course. He too had the misfortune to keep his mind long enough to understand what was going on. I used to hear his voice sometimes, through the cold walls. Now it's so long ago I'm starting to suspects it was just an hallucination."

"And what of Amon?" Houji's voice was tense now.

"Dead by now, most likely. Serves him right." A sneer.

"Didn't you use to idolise him?"

"Ha! One day Eto showed up to tell me he had escaped. Leaving everyone else behind. I... any hope I might have had left disappeared by then and I was left with only hatred. It grew to involve you too, and the rest of the CCG. Because you are all pathetic. Pathetic betraying lying selfish-" a sob "-selfish pathetic... why? Why did you leave me to that fate? How could you?!"

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