Chapter 1

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I woke up to the sound of my scroll vibrating next to me on my nightstand, I pop open one of my eyes so I can use my hand to grab it without blindly waving around my hand and knock something over "Ugh who is calling at this hour..." I grabbed my scroll and looks to see how it is and I open both eyes surprised to see who this person that ruined my sleep "This is new..." I clicked answer and put the scroll up to my ear

Ozpin:"Good morning Mr. Attanno or should I say good afternoon"
Y/N: I looked at the time and it was past noon "Hey Ozpin... How's the whole *yawns* academy thing going?
Ozpin:"Quite well I must say, but that's not why I'm calling"
Y/N:"Let me guess... paranormal things going on in the school?" He starts to shuffle out of bed and walk towards the window to open the blinds
Y/N:*scratches the back of his head*"I'll be there in few just give me a minute"
Ozpin:"Thank you Mr. Attanno I'll see you soon"
Y/N:"Yeah no problem, see ya" *hangs up the phone* "Ugh there goes my sleeping in my bed hours..." I grabbed and put on my clothes and start walking out waving for a cab

" I grabbed and put on my clothes and start walking out waving for a cab

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(This and pretty much what you look like)

TimeSkip Boiiiii

Y/N:I woke up to the cab driver yelling at my name in a concerned voice "ACK IM AWAKE!" I look around and noticed that I'm at Beacon Academy already
Cab Driver:"Sir, we arrived at your destination, the pay is 25 Lien"
Y/N:"Oh I'm sorry one second" I pulled my wallet out of my pocket and pulled out some lien and handed it to the driver "Here keep the change"
CD:"Oh thank you sir" he takes the money from him and stuffs it into his shirt pocket

I open the car door and slammed it shut, I then proceeded to walk down to the huge ass statue that gave me the creeps, then I looked around for Goodwitch, he said to meet her in front of the statue to take me to see Oz but she is no where to be seen

Y/N:"Where in Oums name is she? I swear if she pulls some Gandalf the Grey crap and say "a wizard is never early nor late only the time he is expected" or something along those lines I'm gonna be pissed..."

???:"That's not nice to say to you old teacher Mr.Attanno!"

I heard the voice of Goodwitch right behind me and I yelled in terror turning around to see her behind me

Y/N:"AAHH! Son of a- Where did you come from?!"I hold my heart and it was rapidly beating due to fear

Goodwitch:"I have my ways, especially when I need to avoid Qrow when he's drunk or more drunk."

Y/N:"Makes sense, Anyway how have you Professor?"

Goodwitch:"Peachy, please follow me to Ozpin's office" she starts walking away and making her way towards the school

Y/N:"Follow the leader I guess..."

I follow to the elevator and proceeded to enter the elevator and I watched Goodwitch press the button up to Ozpin's office and goes up

Y/N:"He seriously needs some elevator music in here or something..."

Goodwitch:"I thought of the exact same thing"

Y/N:"I'm gonna write a complaint later"

I heard Goodwitch chuckle at my joke and I see the doors open to see Ozpin sitting on his chair that looks like something private

Y/N:"Remind me to buy you a new chair Ozpin It looks like a-OW!" I was interrupted to Goodwitch smacking me the back of my head and give me a evil look

Ozpin:"Ah Mr.Attanno so good to see you in person" he takes a sip of his coffee and looks at me

Y/N:"Yeah you too, but I have a question real fast" Ozpin looked up at him with a confused look

Ozpin:"Oh? And what is it?" Grayson gave a small smirk and said what he thought of on the car ride here

Y/N:"There is no Activity at the school is there?"Ozpin looked at him and chuckled and started to explain

Ozpin:"Ah yes this isn't an exorcism Mr.Attanno, you see tomorrow is the start of Beacon Academy and I have an opening of one more teacher here and I thought that you would fit perfectly in to that role"

Y/N"Hmm... A 17 year old who see's dead people, hunts the paranormal...and has lots of issues... I don't see why not, sure I'll hop on the bandwagon"

Ozpin:"Excellent, Welcome Professor Attanno, Mrs.Goodwitch will show you to you own room and in the room will have the files of your selected students of your 'Otherworldly Research Studies' and I had the liberty of moving you belongings carefully set into your new room

Y/N: "Alrighty"

Ozpin:"It's beginning to be dark out, you should go rest for the big day tomorrow"

Y/N:"Yeah you're right, Bye Ozpin"

Ozpin:"Goodbye Prof.Attanno"


(DEAD) RWBY X Male Reader Paranologist (wish I had a better name)Where stories live. Discover now