Chapter 8

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Guess what bois you are gonna get a new weapon up in this bish, you can call it what ever you want but it looks like the picture above, so enjoy the shit story!

Y/n:"Screw it i need alone time"

I say this talking to myself bored in my room, Ozpin said I didn't have to teach today but I should of declined that offer because now I'm bored as hell here!

Charlotte:"You okay?"

Y/n:"Yeah I'm fine, I'm just gonna go walk in the city alone for a little bit"

Charlotte:"Oh okay, stay safe!"

Y//n:"When an I ever safe?"

She gave me a disappointed face

Y/n:"I'll try"


I'm walking through the market area and looking at the shops and vendors that are selling trinkets and weapons and food, what you expect from these types of events until a store caught my eye

Y/n:"Dark Iron Forge? This sounds interesting!"

I walk in and look around the place in awe, there are so many weapons here and some I haven't even seen!

Y/n:"Oh my god this is a weapon heaven!"

???":Ahh welcome to the Dark Iron Forge! How may I be of service?"

I was spooked when I hear this and turned to the register, I see a Middle aged guy, with dark black hair with grey line on the side of his head and I didn't notice that they were animal ears on his head

Y/n:"Oh hello there, I'm just looking around that's all"

???:"Alright! Just give me or my wife a holler if you need anything!"

Y/n:"Will do, thank you"

For a couple of minutes I was needing out over the weapons, admiring their design, the neatness into the wea-

???:"Wow you really like weapons don't you?"

I looked towards the owner standing next to me

Y/n:"I was talking out loud wasn't I?"

???:"Just a little bit..."

Y/n:"Yeah I tend to do that..."

???:"No worries, Oh of course I forgot to tell you my name! Call me Lupin!"

He stuck out his hand waiting for a hand shake

Y/n:"Hello Lupin I'm Y/n"

Lupin:"Hello Y/n! Now what kind of weapon are you interested in?"

Y/n:"Hmm... well I'm looking into the long range department, both for shooting and for melee."

Lupin:"Okay, what type of gun version?"

Y/n:"I know it's not a gun but I'm looking for a bow, something that can do damage and stay silent while at it"

Lupin"I got just the thing your looking for!"

He starts to walk away and walks into the back of the store and he gestured me to follow so I followed him and waited



I heard the sounds of stomping drawing closer and closer and I see Lily arrive in front of Lupin

Lily:"Yes dear?"

Lupin:"Do you still have that staff/bow weapon you made? I think I got someone to buy it"

She leans out and sees me so I gave an awkward wave and she was surprised but remembered the question

Lily:"Yes I do have it, finally someone will buy it!"

She says in a cheery time and ran back into the room a I heard stuff being thrown

Y/n:"Is everything alright?"

Lupin:"Oh she's fine, just surprised that a human walked into our store that's all"

Y/n:"Human? I'm guessing white fang making a bad rep?"

Lupin:"That's the gist of it yes, all I want is everyone to just get along with each other!"

Y/n:"Yeah, I agree with you"

Lily:"Found it!"

Our conversation ended when lily brought back the weapon and I was in a trance

Lupin:"There she is! The weapon your looking for! It's got a dust arrow chamber so all you gotta do is to pull back the string and with the elements you choose it can do the trick! And the staff version" he presses a button and the bow switches to staff mode" can extend to over 100 ft, and the best part, it's unbreakable!"

Y/n:"Oh my god this is a weapon heaven..."

Lily:"He sure does like weapons doesn't he?"

Lupin:"Yes. Yes he does"

Y/n:"How much?!"

Lupin:"Ahh it's on the house! Just because your are first human customer that accepts us!"

Y/n"No no no I can't take it for free, I would feel bad

Lily:"C'mon don't be like that! We think it's best if you take If for free!"
Lupin presses the button and it collapses into a ball and puts it on my hand

Lupin:"We insist"

Y/n:"... Okay I'll take it"

Lupin:"Thank you Y/n, we appreciate it"

Y/n"Of course, you two have a good day okay?"

Both:"We will!"

I start to leave but I felt off so I pulled out a check and wrote it and left it on the register

Y/n:"This should help them out"

I walked out and started to head back to beacon until I heard a yell from the store



I chuckle and shook my head and started to walk back

:) next chapter!

(DEAD) RWBY X Male Reader Paranologist (wish I had a better name)Where stories live. Discover now