Chapter 11

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Blake's POV

After I talked with Y/n and agreed to hang out tomorrow to walk around the city I left his dorm and returned to mine

Blake:"I'm back"

Ruby:"How is he?"

Blake:"He's fine, he just needed to clear his head and needed someone to talk to"

Yang:"Well that's good to hear..."

Weiss:"Yeah after today I think it did a toll on him"

Yang:"Maybe we should get to bed it's pretty late"

Ruby:"Yeah maybe that's a good idea, Night!"


Y/n POV The next day
I woke up and rub my eyes to see a note stuck on my forehead so I grabbed it and read it


I got these for you and I thought you might like them, plus to be fair you looked like a hobo so I'm doing everyone a favor


Y/n:"How in Resurrection did she get in my room?!"

I get up to see the clothes placed on my chair so I take a look to see a Dark grey peacoat,Black and white hoodie,Light gray jeans, navy blue t shirt, blue and grey scarf, and a pair of black dress shoes

Y/n:"Huh... went from "Dirty Hobo" to a "Stylish Thug"... okay Coco..."

I take off my pajamas and threw on the new sets of clothes and they all fit surprisingly

Y/n:"Wow these are comfortable!"

I hear a knock on my door"Y/n? It's Blake"

Y/n:"I'm coming!"

I run towards the door and open and see Blake in her normal outfit but looks tired


Blake:" Hey Y/n, how are you?"

Y/n:"I should as you that, you look like you got no sleep at all!"

Blake:"To be honest I really didn't"

Y/n:"How come? What happen?"

Bululululululu Flashback! Blake POV

After everyone went to bed I laid there thinking about Y/n... on how he's so funny, so nerdy and cute...

Blake:"Ugh why must you be so adorable

Yang:"What was that?!

Shit! I said that to loud


Yang:"Hehehehe I heard everything..."

Blake:"I'll do your homework for a week if you say nothing"

Yang:"No need for bargains I won't tell a soul!"

I feel like she just sent him the thing I said via scroll...

Bulululululululu Flashback end back to Y/n!

Blake:"A certain blonde wouldn't stop 'snoring'"

Y/n:"Oh, well that is a shame"

Blake:"It is, Anyway you ready to go?"

Y/n:"Yeah just let me get my wallet and let's go"

TimeSkip to the city

We made it to the city and walked around went into some stores bought things and went to go get something to eat so we went to a cafe and relaxed for a bit

Blake:"So Y/n if you don't mind me asking, do you have any family members around?"

Y/n:"I do, I got step parents they run a butcher shop in Vale"

Blake:"Step parents?"

Y/n:"Well after my parents died, Alice and I were sent to a orphanage and well let's say it was a shit show, the caretakers there didn't do much of anything so there was chaos 24/7, Alice and I got picked on but I fought back to protect me and her, then one of the people who actually cared said that some people wants to meet us and adopt us. We been with them ever since"

Blake:"Wow that's interesting, do you have a photo of them?"

Y/n:"Yep, I do but it's back in my room,

Blake:"That's nice, I bet you miss them"

Y/n:"Mhm, it's been awhile since I seen them after... you know"

Blake:"Yeah, I understand"

Y/n:"Anyway, we should head back"

Blake:"Yeah it's starting to get late"

???:"Oh Y/n! Where are you you bastard?!"

I look out the window to see someone yell out my name in an angry tone

???:"Come on out coward! We got a score to settle! It's been years!"


Blake:"Y/n who's that?"

Y/n:"Blake just stay in here for a second okay I'll be right back


Blake:"What? Where are you going?"


Y/n:"Just stay here it's gonna be fine"

Blake:"Wait Y/n what's going on?!"

Y/n:"Nothing to be worried about okay? Just give me a bit"

She looks at me with concern and anger and wanted to come with so I just agreed to it

Blake:"No I'm going with!"

Y/n:"Okay fine! Come on the

I start to head to the door to confront the man with Blake behind me


Y/n:"I'm not hiding anywhere!"

???:"There you are! I knew you'd show up!"

Y/n:"Yeah I right here and who are you?"

???:"I'm Carver! And you murdered my brother!"

Y/n:"I didn't murder anyone!"


Y/n:"Wait what?"

He reached into his coat and pulled out a knife and ran towards me and her

Out of all the days he chose it had to be this one...

Yeet cliffhanger cause I'm tired and I need sleep so :/

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