Chapter 2

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After Goodwitch showed me to my room and handed me the key,I walked into my room and I immediately walked towards my bed and jumped in and looked up at the ceiling and starting talking to myself

Y/N:"A Professor at the most prestigious academy known to everyone... sounds like a plot to some kind of drama tv show people watch when their bored..."

My eyes are starting to feel heavy and eventually I started to fall asleep until I shot up in fear from hearing an explosion outside

Y/N:"What in the hell is going on?!" I look outside the window to see a girl in white start yelling at the girl in the red cloak while she's trying to explain then saw the girl with a black bow said something to the girl in white storm off

Y/N"Ugh probably a Schnee that was yelling... damn narcissistic's... well except for Winter" After looking like a disappointed father looking through the window I start making my way towards the ball room ready for Ozpin to introduce me to everyone, I wonder what they'll think of me

While walking to the ball room I thought of going to the outside and see what kind of students I'm dealing with.

Y/N:"Lets see the victims I'm gonna bore to death in my classroom..."

As I walk around having awkward small talk with people I saw, helped direct a girl in a red and a guy with a sword and shield, talked with the wild life and got weird looks but I shook it off then I walked towards the ballroom

Tiny TimeSkip

I made it to the ballroom and found Ozpin so I started to walk towards him until I was interrupted by someone tapping on my shoulder aggressively

???:"Hey you dolt what where your walking!You kicked my heels and I almost fell!"

I then recognized the voice of the person who tapped on my shoulder... God damnit why me...

Weiss POV

I was standing here waiting for the speaker to start until some jerk kicked my heels and kept walking!

Weiss:"Hey you dolt what where your walking!You kicked my heels and I almost fell!" He then turns around

Y/N:"Oh... My apologies I wasn't paying attention"I said with the upmost sarcasm I could bring up and I also brought a smug smile

Weiss:"How dare you talk to me that way! Do you kn-"

Y/Not :"'Know who I am?! I'm some big wig rich girl that is a egotistical asshole that got everything on a silver platter because I'm a Schnee!' Yeah yeah snow queen I know who you are and I'm aware of what you're capable of. So why don't you go run off and go bug someone else!"

Weiss:"Why you..."

Just before she started to vent I heard Ozpin go onto the microphone and say a speech

Ozpin:"I'll... keep this brief. You have traveled here today in search of knowledge - to hone your craft and acquire new skills, and when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. But I look amongst you, and all I see is wasted energy, in need of purpose, direction. You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step."

Y/N:"I'm getting some Deja Vu right now..."

Ozpin:"Also I would like to welcome our youngest teacher here... please may a Y/N Attanno come up here

Y/N:'Oh boy time to die..'

I thought when I started making my way up to where Ozpin was and stood next to him and he ushered that I say something

Y/N: "Well uh hello everyone and yes as Ozpin said I am your new teacher here so I hope I get along with you all!"

As I finished my odd speech I hear people go "WHAT?!" And"I KNEW THAT NAME SOUNDED FAMILIAR" In the background

Ozpin took the mic and stated that for the remaining time start talking to one another and make friends and all that but I'd rather tend to my research and talk to the cryptids but I was corned by people who read the journals and stuff I wrote but I wasn't planning on publishing my work but a certain asshole decided to throw all of that out the window say I published my work...

Y/N:"Ugh kill me..."

TimeSkip to night yeet!

My hand hurts from writing autographs to all those people who jumped me when I went to slip away and not have social interaction with people, now that's over with I can head into my room and-

???:"Hey wait!"

I turned around to see a girl with a black bow and my hand started to cramp again


???:"I know that you must be tired and I wanted to get an autograph from you but there were to many people in front of you so..."

I sighed and pulled a pen out of my pocket and grabbed the book

Y/N:"Alright who's this out too...?"

???:"To Blake..."

I wrote the name down on the book and looked back up

Grayson:"Guessing your Blake? Nice name"

Blake:"Y-Yes it is, thank you..." she slightly blushes at the compliment

I handed back the book and smiled at her and she grabbed the book and smiled back

Blake:"Thank you very much Mr.Attanno."

Grayson:"Please call me Y/N"

Blake:"Oh then Thank you Y/N" she bows a little bit and I noticed a twitch with her bow in her head

Y/N:"It's no problem, you should get some sleep, big day tomorrow"

I said this and we both say goodnight to each other and I enter my room and jump into bed and start to fall asleep and had a dream I wish I want to end

???:"Why did you let me die?!"


(DEAD) RWBY X Male Reader Paranologist (wish I had a better name)Where stories live. Discover now