Chapter 6

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Sooooooo I forgot to put the picture of the katana and I also have a surprise for it soo have fun reading my shitty ass fanfic!

Blake POV

After I talked with Y/N I headed back to my dorm room to get some well deserved sleep until I was being interrogated by the others

Yang:"So how is he? After the whole "Panic Attack" thing?

Blake:"He's fine I physically, I don't know about his mental state though" I say and the rest look at me oddly

Weiss:"What do you mean?" She asked confused

Blake:"I got him to open up a little about himself but it was... horrible what happened to him..."

Ruby:"What happened?"

I hesitated to say but I got no other choice

Blake:"His sister was murdered... after she turned 8..."

They all looked at me with a surprised looking. Their faces

Yang:"That's terrible..."

Blake:"Yeah it is..." I look over towards the clock and noticed is was getting late "Look I'll tell you more tomorrow, I'm really tired so goodnight"


Y/N POV next day

I woke up from my standing pose and started getting ready to head out and calm myself by studying creatures until that voice I knew came back


Y/N:"Wait... you're still alive?"

???:"Rude... that's no way to talk to the person who saved you from dying..."

Y/N:"'Yeah I know, which you haven't answered my question, How are you here Charlotte?!"


Y/N: Y/N here for your daily info on the authors mind, Charlotte is the katana I was referring to in chapter 3, she is a blood demon that the author will get into later now back to our regularly scheduled program of this shit

*freeze-frame ends*

Charlotte:"Oh relax darling I'm not gonna do anything to you... yet~"

Y/N:"Yeah real reassuring they Char..."I place my hand on my forehead and start to get agitated then she appears in front of me and looked at me with her blood red eyes, while upside down giggling "I'm kidding, I'm kidding! Sheesh learn to be funny for once!"

Y/N:"Yeah Yeah, so are you going to answer my question? Because the last time we saw each other is with me being teleported into the woods holding you, dying."

Charlotte:"If I'm honest... I'm not sure myself..."

Y/N:"Odd...Well I'm glad you're back Charlotte, I needed a more friendly and recognizable face here." I say giving off a welcoming smile

Charlotte:"Awww you missed me didn't you!"


Charlotte:"Well I missed you too Y/N!" She cheers as she's pulling me into a bear hug

Y/N:"Char... Can't breath..."

Charlotte:"Oh! Sorry!"

She let's go and I start breathing "Ah... For someone who's 5'2 you can give some very aggressive hugs..."

She shrugs "Meh, not my fault."

Y/N:"Sure it isn't, anyway I'm hungry so I was planning on going to the cafeteria to go eat, we can catch up down there if you want"

(DEAD) RWBY X Male Reader Paranologist (wish I had a better name)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora