Chapter 10

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Look to he completely honest I don't know what I'm doing with this story but you guys seem to enjoy it so guess I'm doing something, like I say enjoy the shit story


Shit this is not looking well... the other "me" that I spent so hard to lock up and throw the key away broke free and is now attacking Cardin because of the photo... I knew I should of given up on that photo... anyway back to the story at hand

Y/n? POV
Cardin:"*Coughing*What the hell... are you?!

Y/n?:"Me? Well it's obvious really..." my went red and gave him a serious look, I could smell the fear off of him"I'm death..."

I grabbed him by the throat and tossed him across the cafeteria, I lifted my hand and brought him back and heel kicked him into the ground, he looks at me in fear and I smile and kick him away from me. I looked at the destruction I caused, I smirked and looked around the cafeteria. So much fear coming off of everything one, it made me sick but I was delightful to see it off of them until I saw his pathetic meat sacks called his friends then he started to fight back and he was winning so I submitted defeat and returned back to the depths of his mind... "I'll be back soon..."


Everything went pitch black for a second until everything turned back on, I blinked a couple of times and looked around and saw Ozpin and Goodwitch talking to the students and seeing Cardin get carried off to the infirmary, the I see Ozpin walk towards me

Ozpin:"So Y/n I see that 'he' got out didn't he?"


I look towards the ground disappointed in myself that I couldn't keep him under wraps...
Damn you Solomon...

Then Ozpin put his hand on my shoulder so I looked up and he said

Ozpin:"Don't be guilty Y/n, you knew you couldn't keep it locked up but you tried, and what Cardin actions did made the chains break, you are not at fault here okay Y/n?"

Y/n:"Yes sir..."

Ozpin:"Good, now for the time being go cool off in your room."

Y/n:"Okay Oz..."

He nods and I start to walk away until I see the rest of the group staring at me in terror and concern, I look away shamefully and start walking out of the cafeteria

No one's POV

Team RWBY and Team JNPR were shocked to see their friend and teacher, known for being care free and funny, become a waking nightmare unexpectedly

Jaune:"Oh my god... he threw him across the cafeteria like he was crumpled up paper..."

Weiss:"I can't get the image of his face when he smiled at the destruction out of my head... it going to give me nightmares for a week..."

Blake:"It's all my fault, I should of been faster..."

They all kept talking about the event until Ren day Y/n started to leave

Ren:"Look there he is"

They all start to look at him concerned about their friend but Y/n saw it differently and he looked away and left

TimeSkip through Y/n Perspective

I sat in my room looking back at what happened in the cafeteria, trying to forget it but it rushes back until I hear a knock at the door so I reluctantly walk to the door and open it to see Blake holding books and tea


Y/n:"Hi, what is..." I point at the things she brought "All this for?"

Blake:"I'm gonna keep you company, is that okay?"

Y/n:"Ah... Y-Yeah that's okay..."

I moved to the side and she walks in and places the books and tea on my desk

Blake:"So how are you feeling? After the whole... you know..."


I walk towards my bed and sat at the edge and looked down at the floor, you can tell there was awkwardness in the room, completely quiet like were in a horror movie waiting for the noise to cue up, until Blake spoke up



Blake:"Do you want to talk about it?"


She was surprised by my comment, like I was going to fight back and say "No I'm fine" so she sat down next to me and looked at me waiting to start this therapy session

Blake:"So what's going on in that head of yours?"

Y/n:"I'm a wolf in sheep's clothing, everyone is scared of me, the rest probably can't look at me without thinking I'm a monster."

Blake:"Y/n you know that's not true! Your not a monster!"

Y/n:"I am, every time I look in the mirror I see the demon waiting for it's next victim..."

Blake:"Y/n... this is my fault..."

Y/n:"How? You didn't throw someone across the cafeteria."

Blake:"I had the opportunity to prevent them from doing this but I didn't do it! I should of but I didn't do it!"

She placed her hands over her face and let out a sigh

Blake:"I'm sorry..."


She looked at me shamefully

Y/n:"Don't beat yourself up over it, this isn't your fault okay?" I put my hand on her shoulder "You don't have to blame everything on yourself"

She nods and sighs

Blake:"It's not your fault too you know, he had it coming" we both laugh "Plus I doubt that everyone fears you."

Y/n:"Yeah your probably right." She smiles and I look at her "Thank you Blake"

Blake:"You're welcome" she hugs me and I hug back

Y/n:"By the way, you still up for tomorrow's date?"


(DEAD) RWBY X Male Reader Paranologist (wish I had a better name)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz