Chapter 12

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It's me, I was wondering, do you like this story? I want to know so I can improve on so I can get better at this so comment if you want me to continue and see if I need to touch up on some stuff and I edited last chapter so :P


I was unexpected by his sudden charge towards me so I didn't have enough reaction time to dodge so needless to say he tackled me and cut my cheek deep enough to make it a scar



I then kicked him off and got up and looked at Carver

Y/n:"What the hell?!"

Blake:"You okay?"

Y/n:"Nothing just a scratch! Stand back a bit!"

Blake:"He's coming back!"


Y/n:"Wait wait wait!"

Carver then got up and was about to punch me so I dodge and tripped him and put my foot on his back to hold him down

Y/n:"Oi calm down! I didn't kill anyone!"

Carver:"Damn you, you lying snake! You killed my brother!"

Y/n:"Oh so now I'm a snake? Blake do you want to call me something cause it seems everyone else is calling me something

Blake:"Now isn't the time!"

He got free and started to attacking me with the knife but Blake smacked it out of his hand and so I followed up with a head butt and so he looked dazed so I tackled him and punched Carver repeatedly until I was stopped by Blake

Blake:"Y/n that's enough!"

Blake grabbed me and pulled me off and I look at her with a concern and scared look on her face so we started to walk away until I heard the sound of clicking so I turned around to see him pull out a gun and aim it a Blake and I


I stood if front of Blake and took the two shots from Carver then I knocked him out by kicking his head

Y/n:"Son of a... god damnit I ruined my coat! Luckily I had a vest sewed in to my hoodie!Ha!" I turned to see Blake seemed disappointed in my comment

Y/n:"So... not how I expected our first date to be... taking down a bad guy... although I did peg you for the romantic type Blake"I chuckled and she blushed

Blake:"S-Shut up..."

Y/n:"Aww look she blushes! It's soo cute!

Blake blushes even more and smacks my arm and I held it in pain

Y/n:"Ow ow ok my bad I forgot we're in public!"

She rolled her eyes as the cops showed up and took Carver so we gave them the statement and we started to head back to Beacon

"Well today was eventful!"

Blake:"You're an idiot"

Y/n:"What? Why am I and idiot?!"

Blake:"Do you always pick a fight with the most notorious gang members and bullies?!"

Y/n:"Well no not on a daily basis! And wait he's in a gang?!"

Blake:"Like I said your an idiot!"

Y/n:"Tell me something I don't know!"

Blake:"You're a cute one to be exact"

Y/n:"whvejehs O-Oh...Thats new..." I blush and Blake laughs and we continued to walk back to Beacon

Blake:"I think that cuts gonna need stitches"

Y/n:"Ooh I get a badass scar? Awesome! I'm like John Marston or someone!"


Y/n:"Ignore me I'm being an idiot again"

Few days later in class

No one POV

The students are sitting in class waiting for the teacher until the insanity case kicks open the door

Y/n:"Morning students! Class is in session!" They all sit in their seats "Now today is gonna be interesting... who wants to face their fears?"

They all looked confused and Pyrrha raised their hand

Pyrrha:"Wait what do you me Professor?"

Y/n:"Glad you asked!" He pulls a vial out of his pocket and poured it in his hand"Now this Ladies and Gentleman! Is called the First Nightmare! This will allow us too see your true nightmare! Now who wants to go-Jaune!"

Jaune:"Wait me?!"

Y/n:"Actually no invisible bob behind you, YES YOU!"

Jaune got up and nervously stood next to me



Y/n:"Too late!"

Y/n threw the dust into his face but nothing happened to Jaune

Ruby:"Jaune? Are you okay?"

Y/n:"Odd something usually pops up... Jaune buddy? You okay?"

Jaune looks at Y/n and he starts to freak out, falling on the ground and backing away to the wall


Y/n was surprised on the interaction

Yang:"Oh my god..."

Ren:"He's scared of him..."

Y/n:"Wow, I'm just hurt... class is dismissed everybody"

I walked over to Jaune and administered an antidote and he seemed fine

Jaune:"Ah... is it over?"

Y/n:"Yeah Jaune it's over... get to lunch..."

Jaune:"Alright Bye Y/n!"

He runs out of the class while Y/n stands there contemplating in his mind either to join his friends that probably fear him or leave before anything bad happens...

Y/n:"Pfft Nah I'll stay here, there stuck with me!"

Or he's gonna give he author the bird and hang out here longer

What am I doing with this story? Who knows but next chapter soon :P

(DEAD) RWBY X Male Reader Paranologist (wish I had a better name)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن