Chapter 13

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After class I was hesitant on going towards the cafeteria cause after the lesson revolving fear and one of my friends is terrified of me but it's Jaune we're talking about so it wasn't really a big deal but that wasn't the thing I was hesitant about... see there are these group of vampires that serve under the Vampiric Lord... dumb name but very powerful to go up against and well I may or may not manage to cut his eye off and well stole his sword which was how I met Charlotte and guess he's been holding a grudge for a while and sent his lackeys to kill me... they tried and failed but managed on get a decent amount of hits on me.... hehehe...

No One POV

As the two teams sit in the cafeteria eating and talking they all noticed a man out of the table

Ruby:"Hey where's Y/n?"

Yang:"Dunno last I saw him he was leaving school"

Pyrrha:"Well he seem sad about something during class so guess he went to go clear his head"

After her response on cue a damaged Y/n kicked open the door and limped his way to the line waiting for food

Ren:"Guys look there he is but he looks like he's limping"

Jaune:"Or I guess he went to fight someone Pyrrha..."

Y/n made his was to the table everyone was at but it stayed dead silent and to look at his injuries

Y/n:"Hey guys how's it going?"



Blake:"Y/n what happened to you?!"

Y/n:"What do you mean?"

Yang:"Dude you look like you got hit by a truck..."

Y/n:"Don't I always look like that though?"

They give me a dirty look and start to surround me with interrogation intent

Y/n:"Uhhh guys? Way to close...

Weiss:"What happened to you?"

Y/n:"I uhh fell down the stairs?"

Yang:"Falling down stairs? That's the best excuse you could think of?"

Y/n:"Well yea it's the truth" I made a awkward smirk

Ren:"You have cuts and bruises all over you"

Y/n:"It was a very long set of stairs and blades were poking out"

Blake:"Y/n, tell us what happened"

Y/n sighs and looks at the group

Y/n;"I got jumped..."

Yang:"What?! When?!"

Nora:"Did at least break their legs?!"


Y/n:"Guys guys relax! I'm fine"

Blake:"You aren't fine! Your bleeding a lot!"

Y/n:"Tis but a scratch!"

Weiss:"Well did you at least get a look at them?"

Y/n:"I did but no need to worry about it I can deal with it!"

Pyrrha:"Well you sure did a good job..." she mumbles


Blake:"Y/n calm down, cmon let's take you to the infirmary"


I get up and start limping my way to the infirmary while Blake walked next to me so I wouldn't die or something she said


Well I got to the infirmary and got fixed up while being scolded by Blake for getting into more trouble after I told her who jumped me while walking to the dorms

Blake:"Like I said your an idiot"


Blake:"You know that this kinda of stuff can kill you right?"

Y/n:"Mhm it does

Blake:"But you still do it"

Y/n:"Yes, it fills my nights"

Blake:"God why are you so confusing..."

Y/n:"Im a confusing man Blake"

Blake:"Yeah you kinda are"

Y/n:"Well here's my stop, guess I'll see you later Blake"

Blake:"Bye Y/n hope you feel better"

Y/n:"Am I ever better?"

She smacks the part of my arm that isn't injured and we both laugh as she walks away

TimeSkip Night time

I was awoken to the sound of a blood curdling scream near by so I open the door and went to investigate the scream until I heard Ruby call me over

Ruby:"Y/N?! WHERE ARE YOU!?"

Y/n:"I'm on my way hold on!"

I run to Ruby to see what happened

Y/n:"What's wrong?!"

Ruby:"It's Blake! She got taken!"

Y/n:"Wait what?! What happen?"

Ruby:"Cmon follow me!"

I follow Ruby to her dorm and she opens the door and I see Yang on the ground hurt and Weiss helping her and I see shattered glass all over the place

Y/n:"Holy shit yang are you okay?!"

Yang:"I-I'm fine just dizzy that's all..."

Y/n"What happened?!"

Weiss:"I don't know! Everything happened so fast!"

Y/n:"Shit! Okay You two go take Yang to the infirmary and One of you report to Ozpin!"

They listened and helped up Yang and went to the infirmary while I had to do some investigation skills

Y/n:"Alright Kitty Cat where did you go?"

I looked around the window and see if I can figure out what happened

Y/n:"Ah hello! A note!"

I opened the note and I recognize there writing... the Vampiric Lord....

Y/n:"Still a stupid name... back on track!"

"I have the girl you desire! Come to my castle if you wish to die Huntsman!"

Y/n:"God damn cliche piece of shit!"

I threw the note and started to flip out a bit but calmed back down

Y/n:"Okay... Don't worry Blake... I'll save you form that stupid ass name..."


(DEAD) RWBY X Male Reader Paranologist (wish I had a better name)Where stories live. Discover now