Chapter 4

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After the whole 'students becoming a chew toy' incident, I stood next to Ozpin and Goodwitch for the team assigning part and in all honesty it was boring to listen so I didn't realize that I fell asleep standing up until I was shaken by Ozpin and turns out it was the next day

Ozpin:"Y/N? "


Ozpin:"I'd figure I find you here, you were just standing there not moving at all, just sleeping there"

Y/N:"Yeah sorry... hunting things that traumatizes people can do that to you"

Ozpin:"Ah, I understand, well maybe you should explain the things that traumatizes people to your students"

Y/N:"Oh yeah that's right I'm a teacher... IM A TEACHER OH MY GOD!"

I realize that o was a teacher here, not a student so I burst through the doors and book it to the classroom and ran to the right

Ozpin:"Other way Mr.Y/N!"

Y/N:"THANK YOU!" I said as I run the other way

Tiny TimeSkip ala yeet!

I made it to the classroom in time and I slowly entered the room and saw the students talking with one another, passing notes, blah blah blah

Y/N:"Alright people take your seats if you kindly!"

They all surprising complied except for a grade double a douche and his dumb lackeys but shrug it off

Y/N:"Alrighty, so My name is Y/N Attanno, and I'll be your guide to he- I mean your teacher!"

Everyone chuckled at my comment

Y/N:"Anyway! I thought today would be a free day and if you want ask me some questions."

As soon as I said this hand were popping up

Ren:"So what is it that you do exactly?"

Y/N:"Well you see I'm a paranologist, I investigate things that are very normal in the world, a good example is the beast you saw during the initiation, I'll explain it to you later on through the year."

Ruby:"Oh oh!What kind of weapons do you have!"

Y/N:"Just a katana, nothing else but I rarely use it"


After answering a couple more questions I heard the douche start talking shit about me so something took over and I retaliated

Y/N:"Mr.Winchester, if you were to stop being a pansy in my class that would be much appreciated"


Cardin:"What did you just say to me?!"

Y/N:"You heard what I said, stop acting tough because I bet you aren't"

Damnit I hate it when I do that, always gotta provoke everyone that's a douche don't I?

Cardin:"Listen here twerp! You better apologize or I-

Y/N:"'I'll punch you so hard that I'll give you a broken nose!' Really? Your calling me a twerp? Looked in a mirror lately?"


Y/N:"You done banging on the closet door? Good, now-" the bell rang "well guess that wraps up today, head on out to lunch everyone!"

Tiny TimeSkip!

I walked into the cafeteria, grabbed my food and sat at on of the tables by myself contemplating my life choices until I saw 8 people migrate to my table 'Damnit...'

Yang:"Hello Mr Attanno! We saw you over and thought we keep you company!"

Y/N:"First, please outside of class call me Y/N, I appreciate the company" I turn to see Blake sitting down across from me" Ah Blake, how are you after the event that happened?"

Blake:"I'm doing well thank you for the concern."

I started talking to the group and joined in on a topic related to jaune being bullied

Y/N:"Dude, really? How original can he be?!"

Jaune:Look guys it no big deal! I swear"

Y/N:"You smell that?" They all looked confused"That is horrible smell of bullshit"


Right on cue douche bag and lackeys started to bully a Faunus

Y/N:"I'm getting deja vu again... I'll be back..."

I got up and started to walk towards them, dead eyes locked onto them

Yang:"What do you think is gonna happen?"

Blake:"No idea, but I think that stuff is gonna break"

I pulled a vial out of my pocket, I looked at the vial and the label wrote "First Nightmare"

"Alright Cardin... time for a lesson..."

I pop off the top and poured some into my hand and confronted them

Cardin:"See told you they were real!"

Y/N:"Oi! Gay boy!"


He turned to my direction and was about to say something until I threw the dust into his and his teams eyes

Cardin:"Ack! What is thi-" the then started to scream like a little girl and they all ran out of the cafeteria

???:"Woah, uh thank you for helping me... I'm velvet by the way"

Y/N:"It's no problem at all, let me know if this happens again"

Velvet:"I will thank you again!"

She starts to run off and wave goodbye, I then walk back to the table and everyone started to stare in awe

Y/N:"Yes it happened can I ea-"

Someone ate my lunch...


(DEAD) RWBY X Male Reader Paranologist (wish I had a better name)Where stories live. Discover now