Chapter 22

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"So how is Adelaide?" My mom asks.

It has been two days since I came home and it has been great. I expected her to aso me this earlier but she probably didnt want to make things weird.

"She'a great!" I exclaim. "She is spending Thanksgiving with her sister's family in California!"

On Saturday night we were on the phone for hours until it got to midnight here. We are 3 hours apart and I hate it.

"Oh that is exciting," my mom finishes up the dishes she is doing.

I told Adelaide about Marilyn being knocked up and I wish i could have seen her reaction.

Yesterday I went to church with my parents and it was so nice to see everyone. Especially the new baby. She was the cutest thing ever. I love babies. Luckily my dad didn't tell anyone anything. My mom probably wouldve smacked him or something if he did.


I look at my phone and see Marilyn as the caller ID .

"Hello," I answer.

"Hey, so I was just wondering if you want to hang out tomorrow?" Marilyn asks.

"Um, I am down. Let me ask my mom if we are doing anything."

I put Marilyn on hold and put my phone down.

"Are we doing anything tomorrow?" I ask my mother.

"No, why?" She asks. She puts a plate she just dried on the shelf.

"Marilyn wants to meet up." I answer. "But I don't know."

"Sweetheart don't be worried," my mom says. "U think it'll be okay."

"The last time we were alone together she completely disowned me."

"Yes, however," she picks up another dish to dry. "I don't think she would be reaching out to you if she was still on that."

"Yeah, you're right."

I grab my phoen and take her off of hold.

"Hey, you still there?" I ask.

"Yeah!" She answers.

"Well, I am not doing anything tomorrow."

"Great! Want to meet at our place?"

A small smile forms on my place.

Our place. The pizza restarant next to the movie thater downtown.

"Yeah, sure. See you tomorrow."

"You too."

I hang up and look at my phone for a couple seconds. I didn't realize how much i actually missed her till that phone call.

I take a shower and get ready for bed. When I am done I look over at my clock and it says five till nine. Adelaide usually calls at nine, so i pick up my phone and scroll through tumblr and wait.

At exactly nine, my phone starts to ring.

"Hi gorgeous!" I exclaim.

"Hi baby how was your day!?" Adelaide exclaims in the same pitch.

I laugh out loud. "It was good! I walked around the town and it was really nice."

"Awe that's great. How are you doing with being at home?"

"I'm Okay. I will walk into a store and the people will rush to me to ask how I am doing or are surprised to see me."

"That sounds So sweet."

"Yeah. I also talked to Marilyn today."

"Oh Really," she says in a concerned tone. "Are You okay?"

"Yeah. We actually planned on meeting up tomorrow. I honestly didn't realize how much i missed her till after we hung up."

"Awe. I hope you both will be able to figure things out. I hate seeing you anything less than happy."

"Ugh, you are amazing."

She is silent for a couple seconds. "I am blushing," she says muffled.

"What a cutie," I chuckle. "You are too cute."

"So how was your day?" I continue.

"It was alright. I babysat Holly and her husband's kids so they can take a night off."

"How was that?"

"It was fun! I love my niece and nephew so it isnt like I was going to be miserable."

"I can't wait to meet them. How old are they?"

"Three and five. Josiah is the eldest and Katelyn is the baby."

"Awe so little. And i love their names."

"Yes i know! So unique! My dream name for a boy is Elijah."


"Yeah?" She asks.

"That's what I decided to name my son."

"Wow we are soul mates," she says in surprise.

I chuckle. "I agree. So I am going to let you go. I just felt a huge wave of exhaustion hit me."

"Okay. Go sleep. Sweet dreams."

"You too, love." I smile.

"Goodnight baby."

I hang up and bury my head in my pillow. I am so lucky.


I'm going to be honest with y'all. I came back only because I watched Cadet Kelly and I had an idea to write a story about Jennifer and Kelly being married 15 years later. But I wont start it till i finish this book.

Yes. This is who i am as a person. Writing Cadet Kelly fanfiction.

I don't kow what's wring eith me but i gotta do it.

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