Chapter One

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"Dani!" I could barely here the Doctor shouting. I was currently in my room with a new laptop he had some how got me. It was just a Mac book. I didn't want anything from the year 4352 or anything. Just something from my time. He also got Wi-Fi for the TARDIS. I'm still not sure how though. I place the laptop down and head off to the console room, hoping I wouldn't get lost even though I've been living in here for a year now.

"What's up?" I asked entering the console room to see he wasn't there. "Doctor?" He then came from another passage. He was dressed in a very smart butler's outfit. "You look fabulous, but why?"

"Well, I was thinking of going to the nineteenth century. See what's going on. Maybe catch up with Queen Victoria." He replied casually, saying it as if it were normal just to go meet up with the Queen.

"You know Queen Victoria? Wait never mind, I don't know why it surprised me. Okay, but still, why a butler?" I still want getting it.

"Well my lady, you are a noble and a noble needs a butler. I have arranged for us to attend a ball." He said, bowing when addressing me as 'his lady'.

"Fair enough. Wait, if we're going to a ball, do I have to wear a dress?" I hate dresses.

"Well, of course, my lady." He then dropped his act. "Plus, you can't turn up at a nineteenth century ball in skinny jeans and a tee shirt." Then he began again. "Now would you care to follow me to the wardrobe?" He held out his hand.

"Ugh, fine." I gave in. I didn't take his hand, though. Instead I shoved passed him and headed off the way he came from. At the end of the corridor I could either go right or left. I couldn't quite remember which way it was so I went right.

"Not that way." I heard the Doctor call from where the corridors met. I huffed and turned around and followed him to the wardrobe.

When we finally got there, I was looking through a rail full of Victorian style dresses.

"Hey, you're a dude, why do you have so much clothing for the female gender?" I asked, still looking through the dresses.

"Well I need clothes for all times and genders, you never know where I'll end up our who I'm travelling with." He explained. I simply nodded back to indicate I understood.

I reached the end of the rail and found a beautiful black and blue dress that had some matching gloves, that way I can keep my arms hidden from the Doctor and everyone else. I pulled it out and showed the Doctor. "What do you think?" I asked, holding it up in front of me.

"Fantastic, now go put it on." He pointed towards what looks like a changing room. I walked over and stepped inside. Then it hit me. I need to wear a corset.

"Do have to?" I whined.

"Have to what? Oh, the corset? Yes. Do you need to help?" He offered.

"No." I said, not wanting him to help me dress. Also he would see my arms.  I was half way through putting it on and realised I did in fact need help. "Yes. But try not to look."

"I need to look." He opened the door and helped me get it on. I tried to keep my forearms out of his line of vision and I think I succeeded. "Do you need help with the dress as well?" He teased once he finished.

"No." I pushed him out of the room and continued to get dressed. When I finished, I went out the room and huffed. "I'm not happy about this." I turned around and he tied the bow at the back, then turned back to face him.

"Why? You look beautiful. Now let's go." He held out his hand and this time I put my hands in his. We walk back to the console room in a comfortable silence. When we get there, the Doctor runs up to the console and starts pressing buttons. "So, 19th century. But where? Remember we're going to a ball so preferably somewhere in earth. You're a noble and I'm your butler."

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