Chapter Seven

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A/N: Okay, updating should be back to normal now! This chapter has a lot of dialog, sorry. There is also the appearance of a few new characters! If you have any ideas, or characters you want to appear, please feel free to comment them! Enjoy the new chapter!

I was about to explain why I just burst in like that when the two guys came in after me.

"BASSY!" Grell screamed as he (still 87% sure he's a dude) glomped Sebastian. I was right, it is a nickname for him. Oh the fun I'm going to have now I have that name. William just scoffed at Grell's actions.

"I guess I don't need to explain." I laughed awkwardly. 

"Well, actually, you do need to explain something. How can you see us? Only inhuman beings can see us and you're not a demon, angel or reaper. What are you?" William asked, pushing his glasses up.

"Well, I'm just hu- Wait! Reaper? Is that what you two are? Because I thought nobody could see reapers and they don't usually carry around gardening tools. Also, they can't touch people and people can't touch them." I poked William just to make sure.

"Dani?" The Doctor asked to get my attention.

"Yeah?" I knew what was coming.

"Shut up."

"You know what? No. I'm not going to shut up." I then looked at William. "While I've been here everyday a new load of questions is added to the pile so before it gets any bigger, can everyone is this room see you? If so, what is Undertaker? How can Ciel see you? And how can I see you?" 

"Yes, everyone can see us, we can control when people see us or not. Undertaker is also a reaper, but he's retired. I'll let Ciel explain himself. And I could ask you the same question." He answered.

"If you're reapers, you're collecting the souls of dying people. Have people been popping up on the to die list randomly? If so, have those people been older than they are supposed to be and have they been able to see you?" The Doctor asked. Is William not going to ask what he is?

"Come to think of it, they have. And you can also see us, what are you?" There it is...

"I'm a Time Lord. I think I know what's going on. They are the people the Weeping Angels sent back in time. So it must be people in the wrong time stream can also see you..." He sort of trailed off when he realised what he said. Great, now they know I'm not from this time.

"Doctor, maybe it's your turn to shut up." I whispered to him.

William checked his watch. "We best be on our way, a new name has just appeared in my book. Grell!" 

"I'm coming my dear Will. So long Bassy!" And with that, they left. Ciel then looked at me.

"Danielle, we are now going to deal with that personal matter now. Sebastian, Doctor, go find the times of the disappearances."

"Yes, my Lord." Sebastian bowed and left with the Doctor. 

Ciel said thank you to Undertaker and left the shop. I said goodbye and ran to catch up with him.

"So, Ciel, what is this 'personal matter'?" I asked. He seemed really annoyed at me.

"Valentine's Day is soon and I was wondering if you could help me choose a gift for Elizabeth." He mumbled, but spoke clear enough for me to understand. It surprised me that this was the personal matter. It stung a little, knowing he would never, could never, love me back. And not just because of Elizabeth.

"Oh, okay. Is there anything you had in mind?"

"No, why do you think I asked you for help." He snapped at me. 

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