Chapter Eight

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A/N: I have two weeks off school, so more time to write! I just want to quickly apologize for OOC Ciel... But, you learn more about Dani's past. So, enjoy the new chapter!

After Sebastian and I brought tea through to the front room, he and The Doctor told us what they found out. They said most of the disappearances happened at night but there were an odd few during the day. There were a few occasions where two people had gone missing at once, so the Doctor thinks they is two Weeping Angels.

"What's a Weeping Angel?" Prince Soma asked, tilting his head to the side, like a puppy.

"Ah, well-" The Doctor started but was cut off when I nudged him. I'm smart enough to know Soma and Agni don't know about what Sebastian is, so why would they understand. 

"Prince Soma, Agni, I was wondering if I could speak to you for a moment?" Sebastian asked with that all too familiar fake smile.

"Of course!" They both exclaimed, jumping out of their seats. They left the room, Sebastian shutting the door after them, but not before giving us all a wink.

"Now they are out of the room, Doctor, do you mind explaining what we can do about the Weeping Angels?" Ciel asked.

The Doctor told Ciel everything he told me earlier today.

"How do we kill them?" Ciel and I asked at the same time. We looked at each other in shock then quickly turned away.

"Well, you can't kill stone." 

"But you can smash it, right?" I asked.

"It doesn't work like that..." The Doctor trailed off, not entirely sure.

"Have you ever tried?" Sebastian asked, reentering the room.

"Well, I've not... But I've heard it doesn't work." 

"We will have to wait and see then." Ciel said, slightly angered.

"Wait, where did Soma and Agni go?" I asked, realizing that they were no longer here.

"I've sent them on an errand." Sebastian said as innocently as a demon could. 

~ Elizabeth's P.O.V ~

Since it's Valentine's day soon, I decided to go find Ciel a gift. Paula is out with me. We had just exited a shop, not finding anything, when I noticed a pretty statue. I ran over to it to get a better view. Closer up I could see it was an angel statue. It was beautiful.

"Paula! Come look at this!" I shouted, not taking my eyes off it. I heard her running over. I then heard more foot steps coming.

"Is that Lady Elizabeth?" One voice asked. I turned round, as did Paula, to see Prince Soma and Agni. I felt something touch my back and then I wasn't on the streets of London anymore. 

I was sitting on the floor and I had a terrible headache. After a few seconds I took in what was around me. I was in what looks like a book shop. I stood up cautiously, head still hurting. I looked around for someone. I walked over to the desk and waited for someone to come over. I was about to press the bell to call for someone, when I noticed a newspaper on the desk. The thing that stood out the most was the year.



~ Dani's P.O.V ~

After Sebastian explained the errand he sent Soma and Agni on (to buy tea or something, I didn't listen properly), he, Ciel and the Doctor continued to talk about the Weeping Angels. I didn't really have anything to say but then Ciel brought me into the conversation.

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