Chapter Nine

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A/N: Yay! More OOC Ciel... Sorry there's a few time skips. Also, sorry it's a little shorter than the past few chapters but I wanted to end it where I did. Enjoy!

Ciel didn't say anything. He just stared. I didn't realise I was crying until I looked down, to hide my face and a tear fell, landing on my hand. I lifted up my arm to wipe the tears away but something stopped me. I looked up to see Ciel leaning over his desk, his hand holding on to my wrist. He placed my arm down and wiped my tears with a tissue that seemingly came from no where. 

"That's better, can't have those tears ruin that beautiful face." He sat back in his chair. I was about to say something but he beat me to it. "So that's what happened to your arms. You shouldn't do that, you know. It's not a good thing to do. But, I understand why. So, let's move on, shall we?" He smiled at me. He smiled at me. I nodded. "Good. So about being able to see reapers. Either you're inhuman or from a different time. I'm going to go with the latter. What time are you from?"

"Well the Doctor found me when I was fourteen, which was 2013. So, I guess if he didn't find me and I didn't go through with what I was going to do, it would be 2014." I explained.

"H-how? How can you be from that far in the future? Did you and the Doctor both get sent back by an Angel?" He asked, obviously confused.

"The Doctor has a thing called a TARDIS. It can travel through time and space. I can show you when we go back to the manor, if you want. And if the Doctor lets me..." I sort of trailed off at the end.

"Okay. I didn't think such things could exist. Then again, the Doctor is a 'Time Lord'. Right, any questions you'd like to ask me?"

"Yes, a lot. But instead of asking them individually, could you just tell me your whole story? If there are any questions left unanswered, I'll wait until the end."

"Fair enough." He took a moment, then got on to telling his story. "Like you, my parents died on my tenth birthday. I was running through the manor and found them dead. I then ran into Tanaka, who told me to get out of there. He was then hit by someone who proceeded to capture me. I was sold on the black market, my kidnappers saying I was 'rare'. The people who bought me branded me on my torso. Then, one day I was chained in a cage. I could see adults about. They were all masked. One of them placed me on a table for a sacrifice of some sort. I somehow summoned a demon. The demon asked if I wanted to have all my wishes granted. I told him I wanted the power to take revenge on everyone who did what they did to me. And so, I made the contract. A contract has to have a seal. Mine is on my right eye, hence why I wear the eye-patch. After he placed the seal, I ordered him to kill all the attackers and so he did. He burnt down the building. The next orders were for him to protect me and to never betray me, to obey my orders no matter what and to never lie to me. I named that demon Sebastian. He rebuilt my manor and I became the Earl of Phantomhive, as well as the Queen's Watchdog. Now here we are."

I opened my mouth to say something but no sound came out. If you take out the details we're the same. Our parents both died on our tenth birthdays, we were taken away, then came back with someone new at our side. 

"Can I see your right eye?" Why was that the question my mind let me say?

"U-uh, sure." Ciel lifted the patch off his eye then pulled it over his head. His eye was purple and had a pentagram where the pupil should be. Encircling the pentagram was a circle with weird diamonds around the circumference. In all honesty, it was really pretty. "Sebastian has the same mark on his left hand. Any more questions?"

"So that's how you can see reapers, because you've been marked by an inhuman creature?" He nodded. "Okay. I think that's all the questions I have."

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