Chapter Six

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A/N: I am so, so, so sorry this is late. I know I said I would just update whenever but I have made Sunday the deadline for each chapter. I had massive writers block and I just didn't know what to write at all. Then I thought about adding more characters so I finally managed to finish this chapter! If you have any ideas or characters you's like involved, don't hesitate to tell me! Enjoy!

"Wait, you need our help on a case? It must be pretty big then, because with what I've hea-" I was cut off by the Doctor who put his hand over my mouth. That's one of the only effective ways to shut me up. 

"What she means is, we'd love to help." The Doctor then removed his hand and I sent him a glare. I get it, now something interesting is happening, he's all interested. "So what is the case?"

"I have been informed that a series of disappearances have occurred. I am going to ask the victims families a few questions and I requested you come with me. Be ready and waiting at the carriage before ten. You may leave now." Ciel told us. 

Disappearances? Could this have something to do with that angel statue I saw earlier? I mean, it was there one moment and gone the next.

"Yes master." The Doctor and I said at the same time and then left. The Doctor walked a little quicker than me so he could be ahead. Was he..? Trying to avoid me?

"Hey!" I called as I sped up to turn him around. "Are you gonna tell me about that statue now or are you gonna carry on pretending it doesn't exist?"

"I guess you'll find out sometime anyway. What you saw was not actually a statue. Well you saw it as a statue but that isn't what it is. When you look at it, you see it as a statue but when it is not being observed it can move freely. The technique used is called quantum locking. It's a brilliant defense strategy but if one Weeping Angel - that's what they're called by the way - looks at another, they are stuck like that forever. So yeah, they only way to defeat them it to not blink. Blink and you're dead. So don't blink. If you blink they can move towards you and they are fast. Faster than anything. If one touches you, it sends you back in time, to before you were born. You still get to live out your life, just in a different time. And what human would want to be stuck in a foreign time. And I think that's it." He explained rather quickly. I went over it in my head, mumbling to my self.

"Okay. I think I get it?" I said like I was asking. "So do you think that the Weeping Angel is what is causing those disappearances?" 

"Yeah and I think there is more than one. Come on, let's head down to the carriage. It's nearly ten, we don't want to be late for the young master." He said with a mocking tone. 

"Oh, come on. You secretly like him." I said as I began walking.

"No, I really don't." The Doctor said as he trailed behind me.

It only took a few minutes to get downstairs and out to the carriage. We then waited for Ciel to arrive.

"You know, I thought you'd be happier now there is something interesting going on." I said, breaking the silence.

"I am happy. I'm just bored of being here. I want to go off to the thirty fifth century and discover a new waffle recipe because I defeated the leader of darkness or something, not stuck here, taking orders from a stupid sixteen year old, about to try and fight off an enemy that is very dangerous and will probably kill us all." The Doctor explained, completely oblivious to the fact Ciel walked out the front door round about when he called him a stupid sixteen year old. Ciel just glared at him and I couldn't help laughing. "What?" He asked. I pointed in Ciel's direction. He turned around and stepped back a little. "Ah." Was all he could say. Ciel didn't say anything and just walked over to the carriage. I got in after Ciel, then the Doctor, then Sebastian. I didn't even bother ask who was driving, all I saw was a man with silver hair that had a cowlick on the left of his head.

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