Chapter Ten

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A/N: So guys, this is the second to last chapter. The next one will the epilogue so I guess this is sort of the last chapter. But I'm not going to say goodbye or thank you or anything until the end of the epilogue. Like always, sorry for any OOC-ness for Ciel and another character I'm not going to mention (you'll probably guess). Also, this chapter is longer than the others, but if I were to split it into two, the chapters would be to short. It my also seem too much happens but I'm sorry, I like it how it is. Anyway, sorry for the long authors note, enjoy!

Nightfall came and I am currently standing in the dark streets of London, freezing to death. Ciel is on the opposite street. We agreed on an alleyway to go down. Now I need to find the Angel. It didn't really occur to me that they might not show up, until now. Sebastian and the Doctor made sure no one else came down the streets we're using, the Doctor being on my street, Sebastian on Ciel's of course. I just kept walking up and down the street in the opposite direction to the Doctor, so we pass in the middle. I was at one end of the street when I finally spotted it. 

I kept my eyes on it, walking backwards. Once I was a reasonable distance away, I blinked. Of course, it moved closer. And I repeated that process. When I was far enough away, I blinked. The alley was roughly in the middle, so when I got to the entrance, the Doctor was there. 

"Danielle, be careful!" He shouted to me. He only uses my full name when he's really serious, mad or worried. In this case, I think he is all three.

"Sure, I just need you to not look at it unless I say!" I shouted back. I started to back in to the alley. Once the Angel was positioned at the entrance, I couldn't blink until Ciel and I were both in the middle. I blinked and it moved to the entrance. "Ciel, you better be there!" I shouted. I backed up a little more and bumped in to something.

"I'm here." He said, laughing slightly. 

"So, all we need to do know is get them closer to us while we're trapped in the alley. Phantomhive, this better work." Great, now I know I'm nervous and scared because that's the only time I use people's last names.

"It's my plan. Of course it'll work." 

I blinked and it came forward. It's face looked like it was screaming and it had it's hands up like claws. It came closer and now it was about two feet away from me. 

"Ciel, if this doesn't work, I just want you to know... I love you. Now duck and close your eyes!" I then remembered I confess things in life or death situations...

I ducked and Ciel did as well. I closed my eyes tightly. I waited a few seconds and opened them. I turned to look at Ciel and he was about to stand up. I grabbed his arm. 

"We don't want to get in their line of vision. Then if we blink, they can move." I then let go of his arm. 

"Good point." He seemed... Awkward. Oh gosh, is this about what I said?

We sort of shuffled out the way, then stood up. The Doctor and Sebastian then appeared from opposite sides of the alley. 

"Sebastian, I order you to smash the statues until they are nothing but dust." Ciel shouted.

"Yes my lord." Sebastian bowed and got to it. He started on Ciel's Angel.

"You do realise we will have to look at the other one once he destroys that one." The Doctor pointed out. I sighed at looked at the my Angel. "If we all look at it we can blink, as long as we don't blink at the same time." 

Two minutes later, the statues were 'nothing bust dust' like Ciel wanted. Then it occurred to me that there was just two piles of dust in the middle of an alley. "What are we going to do about the dust?" I asked.

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