Chapter Three

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A/N: Sorry if it seems a little boring at the moment, this is just introducing and stuff. The actual story should start in the next chapter. Also, sorry that the Doctor isn't in it much, he will be in it more starting at the end off this chapter. Enjoy!

Since Sebastian said I could explore more I headed out to the garden. I was going to go see if the TARDIS was there. If it was the Doctor would be investigating. If not, he must of gotten bored or something. I reached the forest and walked along the small path. I couldn't tell how far it was parked but it couldn't be that far, right? Last night I could see the manor from where it was parked so it would only be a minute.

Five minutes later I noticed I must of strayed from the path. I should be able to find my way out. If I wasn't wearing a stupid corset, I might have been able to climb a tree. If it was just a dress, I might have been okay, but I'm finding it hard to breath every now and then. 

It has been a few more minutes and I still hasn't found the path. I heard a twig snap from behind me and I froze.

"It seems you are lost." I instantly recognized the voice that belongs to Sebastian.

"N-no, I'm not lost. I'm just... I'm just exploring the forest." I would never admit to getting lost. Sebastian chuckled.

"I'm sorry, my mistake. Would you like me to guide you back to the manor?" He asked using that fake smile of his.

"Um... That would be good, thanks."

He led the way back and it only took a few minutes. He then took me to the dining room. Ciel was already sat in a chair at the head of the table and Sebastian took me to the chair that was on the left of him. Sebastian announced what was for breakfast, asked Ciel what he would like with his poached salmon and then turned to me.

"My lady, what would you care to have accompany your salmon?"

"Oh, is it okay just to have a scone? I'm not... I'm not very fond of salmon." I lied. I'm used to not eating much and I don't really get hungry so I eat very little. Sometimes, I go a day or two without eating anything. The Doctor doesn't mention anything but I sure he has noticed. Occasionally, he'll try and get me to eat more than usually but I just can't. Thanks to those stupid foster parents. Ciel looked a little shocked. I'm not sure why he'd be shocked. Some people don't like salmon.

"Of course, my lady." Sebastian placed a scone on my plate. "Would you like some tea? It is earl grey."

"Oh, no thank you. I don't like tea either." That's true. I've never liked it. I have always preferred coffee. Again, Ciel looked shocked. This time I understood. It is stereotypical that all English people live off tea and when there is one person who doesn't like it, they get shunned. Okay, that might be over exaggerating a little, but still, tea is very important to the English. "Could I just have a glass of water please."

"I'm sure that can be arranged." Sebastian smiled and turned away to the kitchen. 

"Lady Danielle, I have some business to attend to but when it is over I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions while playing a game of chess." Ciel asked.

"Sure, but only if I get to ask you questions as well." I negotiated. I don't know whether to lie or not. I guess it depends on the question. I don't really trust him at the moment and I don't even know if Sebastian is human.

"Okay. I will have Sebastian get you when I'm ready." He smiled then Sebastian returned. He walked over to me and placed a glass of water in front of me.

"Thank you." I smiled and took a sip. Then I began eating the scone.

After breakfast I headed to the library and found a book to read. I looked through and found a book called 'A Study In Scarlet'. It looked fairly new. I went over to the table and began to read.

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