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it's not a replacement.
it's something entirely new.
unmarkably different.
it will teach me new lessons incomparable to the last.

it is not a replacement.
she is peaceful.

i see her in raindrops
and the twinkling night sky
and the sun filtering through the clouds.

she was and always will be
the safest place i know.

and now,

an word of irish origin.

it is not a replacement.
and not a new beginning,
but a step towards healing.

i miss you now and forever
and i'm so lucky you held hands with my heart.

and i hope i do you proud.
callie is not a replacement.

she is an eight week old puppy with big brown eyes
and unconditional love spilling out of her big adorable yawns.

i see so much of you in her,
and i think life is beautiful and mysterious and unbearably sad.

and i think i've found a better balance between all three again.

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