Chapter 9

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Up above is Chelsea

(Ava's POV)

The next day I wake up to someone jumping on my bed but since we locked the door, it had to be one of the girls. So I took my best bet "Kayla would you stop jumping on my damn bed!" I yelled and groaned. The jumping stopped "how did you know it was me?" She asked before flopping down next to me "good guess" I snapped before rolling over "what on earth are you doing and why so early" I asked as I sat up and rubbed my eyes. "I think you, me, Matt and Nash should go on a double date" she replied excitedly "what about Cameron and Maggie?" I asked "Cameron's taking her to the movies today" she replied simply "okay so where to?" I asked "Disney world!" She giggle as she said it. I snapped my head over to look at her, I was wide awake now. I loved roller coasters and I've never been to disney before! I know crazy right I live in Florida and have never been to Disney but my parents are never home so I've never been. Kayla laughed "so you like that plan" she asked I just nodded "okay I'll txt Matt and Nash to make sure it's okay with them" she said whipping out her phone "um you know they're in the room right next to us right?" I ask "yeah but I'm lazy" she replies shrugging while I laugh. "I'm going to go get ready" I say before getting up and walking to the bathroom. After getting a shower and doing my makeup I put on some light wash denim shorts with black converse high tops and a Micky mouse shirt. I walk out and see that Kayla's still here. "Hey the boys said that they were up for it" she said "cool" I replied "so are you ready?" She asked eyeing me "yep let's go" I replied before walking out the door.

(Nash's POV)

We had gotten a text early this morning from Kayla saying "you and Matt wanna going on a double date to disney world?" Meaning that we had to or she'd beat us senseless. She's quite scary when she wants to be. Like I scary little hamster but terrifying. Matt and I had been done getting ready for 10 minutes before we heard a knock at the door "probably the girls" I said "you go get it" Matt said "you lazy fat ass" I whispered under my breath "I heard that" Matt said "you were supposed to!" I replied "bitch I am queen!" He yelled as I opened up the door and laughed "hey princess" I said addressing Ava and kissing her on the forehead making her blush "hey Nash" she replied smiling "hey Kayla what's up?" I said to Kayla who just said "eh nothing much" before walking inside with me and Ava behind her. "Hey babe" Matt said to Ava not looking up from his phone before she jumped on his bed making him look up. "Hey" she said smiling "are you ready?" He asked "yep" Kayla replied "okay let's go" Matt said before we all headed out.

(Nash's POV)

When we get to disney world Ava's basically bouncing off the wall. "Geez Ava calm down!" Matt said laughing as she skips down down the sidewalk. "Sorry, sorry I'm just SO excited!" She says slowing down so she's walking next to me "we can see that" I say chuckling as she swats a me "don't laugh at me!" She says trying to look serious but ends up laughing "I'm sowwy did hurt little Ava's feewlings" I said bending now a bit because she was so much shorter. "Yes, yes you did" she said pouting "what can I do to make it up to you" I asked while Kayla and Matt were laughing in the background. She instantly smiled and put her hands on my shoulders "up!" She said while I laughed and lifted her up onto my back as Matt did the same to Kayla. I looked over to Matt and smirked "race ya" I yelled before taking off as Matt tried to catch up. When we finally reached the entrance to the park I put Ava down to catch my breath as Matt came running up about two seconds later also out of breath. "That was not fair you had a head start" he whined as I laughed "quit whining it doesn't suit you" I said "but-" he started but Kayla cut him off by kissing him passionately "now shut up k?" She said after breaking it off "k"

Matt said dreamily blushing as the rest of us were laughing so hard. "Dude you are so whipped!" I said laughing he just glared and turned away as we walked into the park.

(Ava's POV)

When we get into the park we start going on as many rides as we can because the lines are so long. When we get tried and hungry we grab something eat "so Nash are you gonna tell Ava about you ex?" Matt asks while shoveling his burger down his throat. I turn to Nash and see him burn hole into matts head. I look at Kayla who suddenly seems very interested in the sidewalk. I turn back to Nash "yeah Nash are you going to tell me about you ex" I asked putting my hands on my hips and look at him pointedly. "Matt you just had to say something didn't you?" He muttered scratching the back of his neck before looking at me and sighing "Chelsea was my ex and she was a bit paranoid. She hated it when I talked to other girls she made me break off my friendship with mahogany and Kayla and she was just mean and cruel but the sad part is that I accepted that and I didn't break up with her. Until I was at some party somewhere and I had lost her in the crowds when I finally found her she was screwing with some other guy and I finally realized how horrible she was so I broke up with her. Well she didn't take the break up very well and threw a fit when I told her to stay away from me. She has tried many times to hurt mahogany and Kayla think that they were the reasons I broke up with her. I pretty much certain she come after you once she finds out." He finished sighing not looking me in the eyes "that wasn't so hard was it" I said softly and smiled "wait you not mad?" he asked confused "of course I'm not mad it's not your fault your ex girlfriend was was a complete bitch" I replied and he smiled "you have no idea how lucky it feels to have the most perfect and understanding girlfriend in the whole world" he asked lifting me so that I wrapped my legs around his waist "I don't know I'll have to ask Matt" I said smiling as he laughed and said "I love you" I smiled and said "I love you too" before smashing my lips against his making the perfect moment.

(Nash's POV)

As we break off the kiss we both are breathless and I lean my forehead against hers and smile I love her so much. I can't imagine what I'd do without her, I hear awing behind us. As I put her down and turn around I see Matt and Kayla fake crying and awing at our little moment "that was the most beautiful thing I have ever experienced in my life" Matt said pretending to wipe a tear away "shut up" I say lightly before I start to walk again, we only take a few steps before a hear a vaguely familiar voice call out "Nash? Nash!" I turn around and see that person I didn't want to see for the rest of my life, the one I've been avoiding all summer. Almost instantly I tighten my grip on Ava as I see Matt pop his jaw and harden his glare. "Nash it's so good to see you but what are you doing with this slut?" She asked with a disgusted face as I boil with anger but manage to keep my cool. "This happens to be my girlfriend, Ava this is Chelsea."

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