Chapter 14

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Nash's POV

My face fell as she looks at all of us confused. "No Ava please you have to remember me" I said she looked taken aback "I'm sorry I just don't recognize you" she replied. I turned away I couldn't do this not after I had just gotten her back. Cam came over to me "I'll go get the doctor" he whispered I just nodded. I turned back to see Maggie was trying to help Ava remember. "Ava I'm your best friend Maggie and this is Nash your boyfriend" she said softly like she was speaking to a child. "I'm sorry I just don't remember any of you. What happened to me anyway?" She asked confused "you were in a very bad car accident" the doctor replied walking in. "Where are my parents?" She asked "your parents are in Hawaii, we called them and the said that they'd be on Sunday." Maggie replied "wait whats today?" Ava asked "Thursday" Maggie replied quietly "then why aren't they coming home today?" Ava ask Maggie looked guilty as she says "because that's when their vacations over". Ava sighs "great the first thing I find out about my life I can't even remember is that my parents don't even care about me." She said "your going to have to stay overnight but I'll let you all say goodbye first" the doctor said before walking out.

Ava's POV

I'm so confused, I don't know anything that's happening right now. I wake up to a bunch of people who claim to know me but I don't know them. I feel so lost and alone, my own parents don't care about me. Even if I don't remember them it still hurts. I don't even know what I'm feeling sad, mad, alone, lost. I'm about to lose it any minute but in trying to hold it in. Some of the people that I didn't really get introduced to said goodbye and waved, I tried to smile but I could feel it slipping. "Bye Ava I'll see you tomorrow." She leans in to hug me, when she does she whispers into my ear "I'm so sorry" I see a tear drip down her face. She must've really cared about me I thought to myself. She left leaving me with the guy named Nash who was apparently my boyfriend. "Look, about us..." I start he comes closer "please Ava don't do this not now I can't deal with it" he pleads "I wasn't going to break up with you" I said quickly, I wasn't going to make him go through that. He sighed with relief "I'm just not going to be the same self as I before, I think... Just please bear with me" I say "I'd do anything for you. Even if you don't know that now, I'd go to the end of the world for you." He said quietly. Then... I lost it, I just couldn't do it. I had so many people who cared about me, I even had a boyfriend and I could even remember them. It hurt so much. I cried for the first time since I woke up, it came over me like a wave just crashing down on me and breaking any strength that I had before. Nash looked surprised but came over and pulled me into his arms "hey, hey it's going to be ok I promise" he said softly as I leaned into his chest and cried. He stayed until I was all cried out "I better go" he said starting to get up, I panicked I felt so safe with him. "No wait" I said causing him to turn "stay" I say he seemed surprised but nodded "let me just text Cameron" he said he texted "Cameron" who I think was Maggie's boyfriend. He laid down next to me as I snuggled into him and closed my eyes. Something about this felt so familiar, I wonder if I'm remembering something I thought before I fell into a sleep I'll never forget.

Nash's POV

I watch her close her eyes and her breath gets slow and even meaning that she's asleep. I gently kiss her on the forehead careful not to wake her up. I can't believe that she doesn't remember anything but she definitely seems to be reaching out so I know she'll get her memories back soon. She has to I don't know how I would live with myself if she didn't. I sighed this is going to be a long summer I thought to myself before falling into a deep sleep.

The next morning

still Nash's POV

When I wake up Ava's still asleep but she has her arms wrapped around me. I smile, it reminds me of the night on the beach. The doctor comes in and sees me awake "I don't usually let people who aren't related stay over night, but seeing that you pretty much are her only family right now and that you seemed so comfortable I let you stay." He said, I nodded "thanks you" I said he nodded "is she still asleep?" He asked "yeah" I replied "push the nurse button when she wakes up" he says I nodded as he walked out again.

Ava's POV

I wake up with a start bolting up right. I look over to see Nash, oh yeah he stayed "hey are you ok?" He asked looking concerned "yeah just a bad dream" I replied laying back down. The dream seemed so real, so vivid. In the beginning I was happy the I remember a car coming straight for me I panicked then I woke up. I remembered something that the doctor had said "we were in a car accident right?" I asked "yeah it was my fault that's what got you in here" he replied softly "no I wasn't trying to blame you it's just that I might have remembered something" I replied "really when?" He asked "well it was in the dream I remember the crash" I replied hoping I didn't sound crazy "okay what do you remember?" He asked "well I remember feeling happy but then I remember a car coming straight for me and I panicked" I said he nodded "let me get the doctor in here to see if it's possible to get your memories back that way" he replied I nodded as he walked out of the room before coming back in shortly with my doctor. "So tell me exactly what happened in your dream" he said. I recapped the dream again and he nodded "it's certainly possible I mean I see memories come back in many different ways. But can you tell us any certain detail that might tell us if it was in fact a memory instead of just a dream?" He asked I tried to remember exactly what had happened "the car was red and had a front license plate it was... OWD1372 I think" I replied the doctor turned to Nash "is that correct?" He asked "yeah it is actually" Nash replied looking shocked "well it seems like your getting your memories back. But don't strain yourself to get them back because you might lose them forever the brain works in mysterious ways" he said before telling me that I could leave as soon as I was ready. "I'm ready now let's go"

Nash's POV

We left the hospital and went to the hotel. "You know your going to have to introduce me" she said nervously "you'll be fine I know it" I said hoping that I was right she nodded and walked inside the room. Everybody looked up silent suddenly Ava smiled "jack, jack, Taylor, Shawn, Hayes, Cameron, Matt, carter,

Aaron, mahogany and Maggie." Everybody looked surprised "you remember?" Matt said "little bits at a time, I remember the crash and your names but that's pretty much it." She replied sadly "oh" Matt said Ava just looked around the room at everybody and everyone was silent. It was awful that we couldn't even keep up a conversation with her anymore. "I'm going to go to bed it's been a long night for me in sorry" Ava said before walking out of the room. Everybody seemed to relax after she left "it's so weird like I know she's the same person but she's just not you know... Ava" Maggie said with a sigh. Yeah I felt like I was getting her back and losing her at the same time.

Ava's POV

I walk back to my room slowly and walk inside by the time I lay down I'm in tears. They can't even have a conversation with me I hate it I feel like a stranger. I can't even describe how alone I feel right now. I don't know remember anyone here nothing about them I don't even know their favorite colors and my parents situation doesn't help any either. I don't know how I'm going to make it through 4 more days. I stay awake until I finally just cry myself to sleep.

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