Chapter 16

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Two years later

Nash's POV

"Taylor come on buddy stay with us!" I say willing him to stop closing his eyes "Nash, Nash stop please it's ok but there's one thing you should know." He says in a voice just above a whisper "Taylor please just save your strength you gonna be ok." I say willing the ambulance to come faster. "Nash, Ava still loves you." He said surprising me to say the least. It had been two years since I had last seen Ava when she ran away never to be seen or heard from again. "Ava's gone Taylor, your hallucinating please just stop the ambulance should be here soon." I say "no I know where she is I still have been texting her but I want you to know she loves you. Before I die I wanted you to know. Please check my texts after I die." He says barely keeping his eyes open "Taylor your not going to die I promise you going to get though this!" I say feeling tears run down my face "Nash please it's ok I'm ok with this. Just check my texts you'll learn everything I promise just check them please..." his voice fading and eyes closed as his hand goes slack on my arm. "NO Taylor wake up! Please wake up! I can't lose you too." I sob holding Taylor's lifeless body in my hands "please" I say sobbing before I totally black out.

Ava's POV

It's been two years since I ran away from everything in my old life except for Taylor. I got an apartment and my parents let me as long as I got to school everyday. They helped me keep up on the rent and checked in every month but other than that I was on my own. I had cut off my ties completely with Nash and Maggie. I still loved them but it was just to hard to deal with it. For the most part I was happy with my life except I just didn't feel complete but I mostly tried to ignore that. I had also pursued a small music career since I was out of school now. I was in a small band called "Wild things" I don't know what the name is but I kinda just went with it. I was getting ready for my next gig when I heard a knock at the door. I just assume it was one of my band mates "come in!" I yelled before I heard the door open "Ava?" I froze I could recognize that voice even if I hadn't heard it in two years. "No..." I murmured to myself before turning around to stare into those blue eyes I fell in love with in the first place.

Nash's POV

In the 2 years that Ava left and our little group kinda broke apart into their separate ways. We still got together every once and a while but Ava was the glue that kept us together I guess. I had also gotten a "girlfriend" she was really a stage girlfriend or a really good friend because my publicist said i needed more excitement or drama. Her name is Sara and we both agreed that we don't love each other but we are great friends. Cameron is still my best friend but Taylor and I had gotten closer because he was basically the only think I had reminding me of Ava. He was in a car accident and Taylor being in the divers seat he was pushed through the front windshield and lost too much blood and broke to many things to survive. After I had woken up in the hospital I instantly asked where Taylor was only to be told what I already knew. He was dead. Cameron and my "girlfriend" Sara tried to comfort me but I just couldn't handle it. The I remember what Taylor had told me to do before he died. I quickly scanned his belongings before retrieving his phone and scrolling though his messages. I came up with a contact named Ava I hesitated before clicking on it and reading though. It said that she was living on catress rd, apartments 347 number 7. I hadn't really believed in closure until now but after what had just happened I needed it more than anything. And that is how I ended up standing in front of my ex who I though had disappeared of the ends of the earth.

Ava's POV

"Nash?" I said hesitantly like the name was cursed. Suddenly I felt as if a huge weight had been lifted off of me and I saw my life flash before my eyes. Literally I suddenly remembered everything that I had forgotten in the past 18 years of my life. Every tear every joy everything that brought me happiness everything that I tried to keep forgotten the past two years I realized I was in tears and Nash was looking very concerned "Nash, Nash I remember. I remember everything!" I said smiling he looked very surprised but kinda happy. "How?" He asked "I don't know I just sorta said you name and I saw and remembered every detail." I replied laughing "finally after everything! Wait is Taylor with you? I have to tell him." I said "um that's actually something I wanted to talk to you about." He said looking extremely sad. I was confused "Nash what's going on? How did you get this address Taylor promised not tell anyone unless something happened..." I suddenly understood "Taylor's dead" Nash said eyes glistening with tears. I covered my mouth to keep a scream from coming out. I had just gotten everything back and lost the one thing that brought me comfort. I slid to the floor tears streaming down my face. A strangled sob escaped my lips. "No, no, no, he's not dead he can't be. He promised he'd always be here. No!" I said not even processing. It felt as if someone had lifted the heavy blanket of incompleteness but dropped a huge blanket of despair, sadness, melancholy, disbelief on me instead.

This is the first time I've cried in 2 years I made a vow that day to never cry again because I wanted to be stronger than I was. Nash sat down next to me he didn't seem to know what to do though so he kinda just sat next to me and rubbed my back awkwardly. After I while I pulled myself together and stood up. I grabbed my phone and called Tyler "hello?" He said "the gig's off I had a... emergency." I replied glancing at Nash "what do you mean the gig's off you can't just cancel 10 minutes before!" He replied "I'm the lead and I just did so deal." I replied before hanging up and throwing my phone on the couch.

Nash's POV

She seemed harder than before more conserved. Just... different basically but I hadn't seen her in two years so I can't really say that I knew her. "Are any of the guys here I kinda want to see them if that's ok with you." she asked "um yeah Cameron's here." I replied running my fingers through my hair "can I see him?" She asked hesitantly "yeah sure we can take my car." I replied before walking towards the door. We got in the car and I started off to our apartment. "Me and Cameron got an apartment together near here so it's not far." I said to breaking the awkward silence "oh cool is Maggie and him still together?" She asked casually "no after you left-" she winced as if I slapped her "they started to fight a lot and they broke up." I replied she just nodded. About 20 minutes later of "catching up" we arrived at my apartment. We walked up and I opened the door. "Nash is that you? Cuz we need food..." Cameron trailed off as he turned into the room and saw us "Ava?" He asked confused as if he didn't believe his eyes I heard a whimper come from behind me. I turn surprised to see Ava with tears running down her face before she drops to the floor and covers her face with her hands crying. Cameron rushes over, that's the thing about him he doesn't even think before helping someone. He pulls Ava into his arms and cooed into her ear trying to sooth her. For some reason I felt weird about this but it's not like I'm jealous because she's not even my girlfriend we broke up. Ava leans back from Cameron and wipes her eyes. "Never thought if see you again but then I do and the first thing you do when you see me is cry. That's not really what I expected. What's wrong?" He asked softly "I just got my memories back and I miss you guys I miss what I had before" she said softly "you got your memories back?" He asked surprised she nodded I heard a noise come from the front "Nash can I talk to you?" I heard Sara's voice say "in here!" I called she walked in the room but stopped when she saw Ava. I got an idea, I wasn't going to let Ava back into my life that easy I mean she broke my heart when she left. "Ava this is Sara my girlfriend"


Sorry this took so long hope you like!


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