Chapter 11

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Nash's POV

When we got back to the hotel all of are friends were in there and they looked up when we walked in. "Hey Matt told me that you ran into Chelsea. How did that go?" Cameron asked raising an eyebrow. We just laugh as everybody looks at us questioningly "who's Chelsea?" Maggie asked looking at me sending me a look reminding me of what she said the first day we met "Nash's ex" Ava told her before sitting down and telling the story.

Ava's POV

By the time I was done telling the tale of our little encounter everyone was laughing. "You are such a drama queen!" Maggie said "I never knew theatrics were your thing" Cameron said I shrugged "they're not but I acted in the moment" I replied smiling. Taylor suggested that we watch a movie so we all gathered on the floor and beds but telling that story made me think about what Chelsea actually said maybe she's right maybe in not good enough for Nash maybe I really just am I bitch. I must've made some kinda of face because when Nash looked over to me he asked "what's wrong?" "Nothing" I said looking away "no it's not nothing what's wrong?" He said making me look at him "why? Why me? You could have any girl and you chose me I mean you could even had Chelsea who is perfect other than the fact that she seems like a psychopath and all. I'm not anything special so why did you pick me?" I asked not realizing how emotional I was getting Nash shook his head and took my hands in his "Is this about what Chelsea said because she couldn't have been more wrong. You are everything to me I couldn't even begin to think about my life without you. You are perfect and special in every way. You are my only, Ava I promise. I love you." He finished as I smile and said "I love you too" I lean up and gave him a kiss before I heard Taylor say "aww come on guys I'm trying to watch a movie here" "the movies not even in you idiot" I said laughing "I'm going to the vending machine to get some food" Nash said smiling before walking out. A couple minutes later Nash was still not back "I'm going to go and see what's taking so long" I said before walking out I walk down the hallway and turn the corner to see Nash lip locked with Chelsea I silently walk back trying to hold in the tears that were about to come. I had barely made it into the room when I collapse on the floor sobbing "Ava what's wrong?!" Maggie asked rushing to me with the rest of them on her heels "Nash" *sob "kissing" *sob "chelsea" i said before I started to cry again.

Nash's POV

Well that's awkward I thought because I had just kissed Chelsea. I hope Ava didn't see I sighed before opening the door to see Ava on the floor crying her eyes out and about 11 people reading to attack me "HOW COULD YOU" Taylor yelled before lunging at me "what are you talking about?" I asked "oh I think you know exactly what we're talking about" Kayla hissed trying to help the boys hold Taylor back "she trusted you! I trusted you and you betrayed her by kissing that slut!" Maggie yelled "wait I can explain-" I started "explain my ass" Ava said cutting me off and making everyone else quiet "Ava please I can explain" I pleaded "you can explain? you can explain what, that you were just kissing that whore after telling me that I was "your everything" or I was "perfect and special" or even that you loved me and the sad part is that I actually believed you! Well now I realize that it was just a load of crap cause you feel nothing towards me just as I feel nothing towards you. So skip the excuse shit cause we are leaving and I hope I don't see your sorry ass anytime soon" she finished before walking out the door along with Maggie glaring at me on her way out. They slam the door and everything was unnaturally quiet before Kayla said "this is low, even for you. I mean Chelsea, really?" She said before shaking her head and walking out as Matt soon followed. I got yelled at by the rest of the boys and mahogany before I sat down on my bed and they left me alone sort of. When Cameron walked over I winced ready for him to yell at me but all me did was lean down and say "I'm giving you one chance to explain yourself and what really happened and I better believe it because if I don't, well your screwed" I gave a sigh of relief I knew I could count of Cameron to trust me "when I got down to the vending machine I heard a noise so I turned to see Chelsea standing there and she tells me that I better kiss her and I say "why would I ever do that, you're a bitch" but she just smiled and said that if I didn't that she would do do the worst thing possible to Ava and you know what she tried to pull on Kayla and mahogany so I was scared, so I did it not realizing that by doing it that I just did the worst thing possible to Ava I betrayed her trust." When I look up I see that everyone is staring at me.

Ava's POV

As Maggie drove silently back to my house I thought about what happened how could he do something like that to me right after he told me that he loved me. I walked into my house and sat on the couch and feel all the emotions that I was holding come out in tear form. Maggie comes next to me and wraps her arms around me "I'm so sorry Ava I'm so sorry" she says before I cry myself to sleep.

Nash's POV

"Do you believe him?" Aaron asked Cameron as everybody stared at me "yes" Cam says not looking away from me "you all know what Chelsea does" I say hoping that they believe me. They seem to loosen up and then Taylor says "I'm sorry I tried to attack you man I was just so mad that you'd do that to Ava i means she's so sweet" "it's fine" I reply as everybody apologizes "we should probably get some sleep we have sunsation tomorrow and we'll figure out the Ava situation tomorrow" Cameron said. We all nodded and most of them left the room as we all tried to get some sleep.

Chelsea's POV

I smile as I walk out of the hotel. Those two are so over. I knew that Ava had saw and I planned it exactly so. Now I can finally get my Nash back. Everything is just how I want it.


Sorry this took so long!

-Lily 💕

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