Chapter 15

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Nash's POV

I lay in bed staring up ceiling thinking. What if Ava never remembers will she ever be the same? Will I even want to be her boyfriend I don't want to think like that but what if that happens? Will she ever be the same? I ponder over this until I fall asleep.


Ava's POV

It's now Saturday and I feels like forever I barely got through those few days. I don't know if I can make it through another. Everyone is trying to reach out but it's like they're walking on eggshells around me careful on what to say. I hate it I feel like I'm an experiment only testing a few things on it at a time careful not to break me. They're trying but they're so distant so it like they're not even there. The boys go to their meet and greet and I usually stay here because they haven't quite to them about the crash so... when they get back I hang out with them for a while but it's always awkward so I usually end up back in my room on my phone till I go to sleep. I feel like I'm going to lose it. My only comfort had been being with Taylor we've really been getting along he seems to understand me more than anyone else. Nash, Matt, Cameron and carter come over to say that they were back "hey you wanna come over to our room?" Cameron asked "sure I'll be right there" I replied they nodded and left before I grabbed a hair tie and put my hair up before quietly walking down to their room. I hear them talking and wait outside the door. "She's not the same anymore" I hear carter say "yeah i don't even connect with her anymore" I hear Nash say I can't deal with this anymore I'm so mad and sad at the same time. I leave a note for Nash and the rest but I leave an note for Taylor for only him to find. I grab my keys and run out to my car. I drive till I see the closest club I don't know what I'm doing but I know that I want to feel human again so I get out and flash my fake ID that I keep for emergencies like this. I get a drink and head out to the dance floor I dance for awhile getting hit on by a few collages guys but all I want is to fully lose my self. I'm getting drunk tonight.

Nash's POV

"Ava's taking a while let's go see what's taking so long." I say taking everyone and heading over. We knock on the door but it's open so we walk in and look around. I see a piece of paper on the bed. It's a note saying "Guys I'm sorry but i can't handle this anymore. I'm sorry I'm not the same person. But I just can't do it anymore, the past two days have been hard and I don't want to live that way. I'll miss you but don't come try and find me. Love Ava PS. Taylor you should read If I stay I have It with my stuff." "Wait so she just left?" Cameron asked "yeah she must've heard us talking" I said sighing "but we're gonna try and find her right?" Carter asked "of course we are" I replied "but she asked us not to." Aaron said confused "since when do we what people want?" I scoffed as if it wasn't a question "let's just split up and take two cars some of us go to her house and them the other at her favorite spots." Matt said we all nodded in agreement "ok I'll be right there let me just grab something ok?" Taylor asked "yeah meet us in the car" I replied before walking out.

Taylor's POV

I wait till they all leave till I search her room. She wouldn't have just put that last note in there for no reason I need to find that book. I search around until I find it under a pile of clothes. Inside the front cover is a piece of lined paper saying "dear Taylor I'm sorry for doing this to you but I had to get away from everything. I'm not coming back I hope you understand. If you need to find me tonight I'm going to a place where people go to be reckless. ONLY USE IF SOMEONE DIES even if I'm leaving it doesn't mean I don't care. I'll miss you. Love Ava" damn she wasn't kidding about leaving but wether she liked it or not I was going to find her. I tell Nash and the others I'm going to check the beach and some other places father out. The all agree and I drive to the first place I think of when I think reckless, a club. Apparently me and her think a like because when I get inside I see her standing next to the bar laughing at some guy. I walk over "Ava what are you doing?!" I say pulling her away from the guy making her pout "I was actually getting some where with him why'd you come and get me?" She said clearly drunk "Ava that's not Nash and we need to get you out of here." I said starting to pull her away "I know it's not Nash he doesn't care about me and anyway I don't wanna leave" she said pulling out of my grasp "come dance with me!" She says laughing "I didn't wanna have to do this" I replied sighing I walked over and carefully swung her over my shoulder. At first she protested but she didn't have the strength to after a while. I got her in the car easily and then drove to the nearest motel deciding that I was not going to take her back to Nash in this condition. "Tay Tay I'm tired" she whined slumping down onto me as I walked her into the room I rented. "I know Ava" I said laying her down on one of the bed and laying down next her slinging my arm around her in case she woke up and decided to bolt. What am I going to do with her? I thought before falling asleep to the sound of her soft breathing.

Ava's POV

When I woke up I saw light and my head was pounding. What happened last night? Then I sat up seeing Taylor come out of the bathroom. I remember everything from what they said to being basically carried into here. "Feeling better?" He asked walking over "yeah thanks for everything." I replied rubbing my head and looking up at him "your welcome that's what friends so are you really never coming back?" He asked sitting next to me "yeah I'm going to ask my parents if I can live on my own." I replied sighing "do you think they'll let you?" He asked "I hope so but I better get going now I don't know when the are coming home." I replied starting to get up "I don't care if you cut you ties with Nash and them but please keep up with me I think I'll miss you too much." He said walking over "I promise but please don't tell the guys I don't what them to find me." I replied "I won't" he said leaning in to hug me "I lean in and just relaxed for a minute trying to remember him just like this. "I love you Tay" I murmured into his chest "I love you too A" I replied into my hair. We broke apart and I walked towards the door. I turned and smiled one last time me waved as I walked out the door and into my new life.

Taylor's POV

I watched her walk though that door wanting to stop her the whole time but that's what she wanted so I let her go. I stayed for a little before I left and got into my car driving back to the hotel. I took as long as I could trying to take the long ways and skipping shortcuts. I was think about all this and how I had just lost my best friend. Once I got to the hotel I shuffled upstairs to our rooms and walked inside "hey Taylor you didn't come back last night where were you?" Nash asked looking at me I looked up "um I went farther than I thought and ran out of gas so I just stayed in my car till morning then got gas." I replied nervously they seemed to buy it though "oh ok dude why do you seem so down?" He asked "just worried about Ava and not finding her." I replied "yeah us too." He said before leaving me alone. I was carrying a secret, one that I had to keep from my friends family everyone. And that same secret I would take to my grave.


No this is not the end I still have a few tricks up my sleeve!

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