Ask 14

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Jeff: Hey guys! Were back! No one is drunk today! Horra-

Aaliyah: *jumping around* RAINBOWS AND UNICORNS!

Jeff: ...

Aaliyah: HALLO!

Jeff: I stand corrected! Well... Ill just answer the questions without her... Okay here we go! *looks in the comments* Lets see... Oh, here's a nice one! Fabulous_Ashleigh123, you said...

"I have two questions!! Jeff, how old are you? And do you all stop ageing when your 25 or is that just a rumor? Oh and by the way, you're ridiculously sexy!!"

:D Thanks I know I'm sexy! We stop age-ing when we are 21. So technically, I'm 21, but I've been living for much longer... Hope that doesn't confuse you ;)

Aaliyah: NEMO! *passes out on the couch*

Jeff: *sigh* Who keeps on sending Vodka?! *takes a look on the back of the bottle* jcbruno... goddamit were going to have drunk lunatics in here...

Well, on to the next question!

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