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[Still at Aaliyah's house]

Alois: HEYYY!~

Ciel: *sighs* Alois you're so annoying.

Alois: I'm just trying to have fun!!

Ciel: *rolls eyes*

Aaliyah: You'll be alright Ciel. After all, you hav-

Sebastian: You see, I am simply one hell of a butler.~

Aaliyah: You're never going to make me say it, huh?

Sebastian: Nope.

Aaliyah: *sigh* Well, I'm going to Slender's mansion for today. Please, do not trash my house. Ciel and Alois are in charge. Sebastian and Claude will look after them.

Claude: Certainly.

Alois: Yayy! *giggles* Fun fun fun!~

{Time skip to Slender's house}

Jeff, Ben, Masky, Hoodie, and Eyeless Jack: *playing Uno*

Aaliyah: *walks in* Ello!

All 5: Heyo!~

Aaliyah: When since do you guys play Uno...?

Masky: I was forced to. ;-;

Jeff: My turn! ...UNO, UNO OUT! Heheheheh!~

Aaliyah: Hey... Uh... Where's Slender?

All 5: Upstairs.

Aaliyah: 'Kay. *goes up to Slender's office*

Slender: *doing paperwork*

Aaliyah: Slender! Can someone live here? She's a killer.

Slender: Who?

Aaliyah: Bellethekiller . Don't worry, she's no trouble.

Slender: Hmm... Sure!

Aaliyah: Yay! Thanks! *hugs Slender and leaves* (A/N: Lol feels awkward to type that. Dunno why.)

Aaliyah: *texts Bellethekiller He said yes!*

Jeff: *doorbell rings* I got it! *opens door* (A/N: She's quick! o_O)

Belle: *hugs Jeff* Slender said that I can stay here!

Jeff: *blushes and hugs back* O-Okay...

Aaliyah, Masky, Hoodie, and Eyeless Jack: *takes pictures* Huehuehuehue~

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