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Aaliyah: Okay, the next one is from...

-doorbell rings-

Aaliyah: I'll get it! -opens door-

Mailman: Package from jcbruno! Warning: Its fragile.

Jeff: -runs up and stabs the mailman- Okay, thanks! -shuts door-

Aaliyah: -facepalm- Okay, what's this gonna be...

Jeff: -opens package with knife- It's 6 bottles of vodka! :D

Aaliyah: Well that will help with the next question! Sssmjsjr says...
Jeff, can you do the cup song while being drunk?

Jeff: -Drinks 2 bottles- Y-yeah! -Hiccups-

Aaliyah: -Gives cup to Jeff- There ya go.

Jeff: -grabs cup- I got... What do I do again? -puts cup on head- I have a n-new -hiccup- hat! :D

Aaliyah: -facepalms-

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