Ask 22

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Jeff: -sneaks up behind Aaliyah- Hehe hehe... -gets a cold bucket of water-

Aaliyah: -has headphones on listening to music- My anaconda don't, my anaconda don't, my anaconda don't want none unless you got buns hun!

Jeff: -dumps water on Aaliyah and runs-

Aaliyah: -quickly takes off headphones and wipes off phone- ...JEFF!!

Jeff: Well before I get killed, I'll choose a question to answer. Um... I choose... This one! Wierd_4ever says:

Do you like Jane... I mean I like you... ^///^

...Umm... -blushes-

Aaliyah: -puts a knife up to Jeff's neck- Found you. >=)

Ben: -walks in and sees Jeff and Aaliyah-

Jeff: Ben help me!

Ben: Well, you've met a terrible fate, haven't you?

Jeff: -growls- I'll get you later.

Ben: -snickers-

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