Ask 19

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Jeff: Oh hey guys! :D Im just chillin' here with BEN and Aaliyah, playing some Halo 4!

BEN: Hai! :3

Aaliyah: Hell- NO I DIED! >:c

Jeff: Hey so are we gonna answer some questions today, Aaliyah?

Aaliyah: -stops playing Halo- Oh crap I forgot to update! -runs to get her iPhone and opens Wattpad- Oh Jeff you have lots of questions!

Jeff: -stops playing Halo- Really?! Awesome, give me some to answer.

Aaliyah: Alright, blackroseskill says: Hey, Jeff and BEN will you guys be my friend please? Also my name is Angel. I have no friends and I'm bullied badly so yeah my life sucks. Please be my friend.

BEN: Totally! -smiles- You sound like an awesome, strong person!

Jeff: Yeah, sure! Just tell me when you get bullied, I'll take care of them. -evil smile-

Aaliyah: ^.^ Alright next one!

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