'Oh Ben! >=)' and Creepypasta School! (100 votes special) Part 1

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Jeff: Alright my little killers, this is gonna be one hell of a chapter just for you guys. Thanks for 100+ votes and 1.5K reads. Means a lot that you guys love meh :D Well, like I promised, I'm going to dump BEN with water today! >=) How exciting! And while we're at it, let's do Aaliyah too! LETS DO DIS! -goes to BEN's bedroom and heads over to where he's sleeping- Shhh.. He's sleeping... -grabs bucket- Alright... 3... 2... 1... -dumps bucket on BEN-

BEN: -jumps awake and squeals- AHHHHH! JEFF IM GOING TO KILL YOU! -gets up-

Jeff: Oh sh*t! -runs away and laughs-

BEN: JEFF! -runs but trips on his Xbox 360 cords- I WILL GET YOU!

Jeff: -stops running and laughs- Oh... My... God... That was awesome! XD Alright next is Aaliyah! -sees Aaliyah in the kitchen with headphones on, listening to 'Rude' on blast-


Jeff: -grabs the next bucket and sneaks up behind Aaliyah- Alright, here we go! -dumps bucket on Aaliyah-

Aaliyah: -phone gets wet and stops playing music because it broke because of the water- NOOOOO! -eyes turn red- JEFF! -grabs his hoodie before he could run away-

Jeff: -tries to stop self from laughing- Y-yeah?

Aaliyah: -grabs his favorite knife- You wouldn't want this to break, would you?

Jeff: -gasps- NOOOOOOOOO!


Jeff: Yes mam! -runs to get a new phone-

Aaliyah: Meh phone! D: That jerk! He's gonna-

BEN: -runs downstairs and sees Aaliyah- WHERE IS HE?!

Aaliyah: He went to get me a new phone. WANNA PRANK HIM BACK?! >=)

BEN: -nods- Yes! >=)

Aaliyah: -grabs buckets of pink paint and some pictures of Jane- Lets mess up his room!

*Le time skip to 30 minutes later*

Aaliyah: ITS PERFECT! -looks at Jeff's room, the walls are now pink and have pictures of Jane all over-

Jeff: -opens the front door- Aaliyah! I've got your phone!

BEN: Hide! -goes inside the TV-

Aaliyah: -hides in Jeff's closet- God, it reeks in here!

Jeff: -goes up to room and opens door- Aaliyah? Where are- OH MY GOD! WHY?! WHAT?! WHO?! BEN AND AALIYAH!

BEN and Aaliyah: -comes out from hiding places- Yeah?

Jeff: -sighs- Payback, huh?

BEN: -nods- Yup! >=)

Jeff: -tries hard not to stab BEN- Im going to go study for the Magic test for school. -goes to study-

Aaliyah: That test is going to be easy!

Ben: IKR! I'm going to ace it!

Jeff: -scoffs- Im not a nerd.

Aaliyah: Who said I was one? Whatever Im going to get ready for school tomorrow too.

Jeff: Yup.

*magical time skip to the next morning in school, waiting for class to start*

Aaliyah: -walks into the classroom-

Jeff and BEN: Aaliyah! Sit here!

Aaliyah: Why?

Jeff: So I can get the answers to this test from you =)

Aaliyah: -sighs- Whatever. -sits beside BEN and Jeff-

Ms. Geason (Magic teacher): Alright, class! We have a test today!

Everyone: -moans-

Ms. Geason: Now, now, I don't want to hear your sexual noises.

Everyone: -laughs-

Ms. Geason: -passes out test- Alright, here ya go. You have 30 minutes to complete this.

Aaliyah: -starts the test-

Jeff: -starts to copy-

Ms. Geason: Jeffrey Woods, are you cheating?

Jeff: ...No...

Ms. Geason: Oh okay, just making sure.

Jeff: -rolls eyes-

Ms. Geason: -sees Jeff roll his eyes- Keep on rolling your eyes JEFFREY, maybe you'll find a brain back there.

Everyone: -gasps-

Stephanie: (The annoying girl): SLAYYYY!

Jeff: -gives her a death stare-

Stephanie: -shuts up-

*time skip to lunch time*

Aaliyah: -walks over to Raven and Luna- Hey guys!

Raven and Luna: Hello!

Aaliyah: So, are we still doing the prank?

Luna: Yeah! Of course! -smile evilly-

Raven: Yup, it's gonna be awesome!

Jeff: -walks over- Hey, what are you guys talking about? -sits beside Aaliyah-

Raven: Nothing...

Jeff: -gives her a suspicious stare- Okay then Raven... Well I'm going to sit with the guys. -gets up- Bai!

Raven: -looks at Aaliyah- What? Jeff has friends? -laughs-

Aaliyah: -stifles a laugh- He's on the football team, that why.

Luna: They have a game today, don't they?

Aaliyah: Yeah, you guys coming?

Luna and Raven: Sure!

Aaliyah: Cool! Today's gonna be awesome!


Next chapter shall be exciting! =) Don't worry, it will be out as soon as possible!


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