The headshot

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It was a really nice day at school and Debby was  with her friends talking about many things other than their favourite singers. Chris was with his friends talking about...
... Debby. The conversation goes like this:
C: Guys , swear to me that you won't say anything to her .
J: No problem dude! My lips are sealed!
P: I guess that I won't say anything if...
... you don't start punching me again!!!
C: Okay man don't worry, I wasn't okay back then. I swear I won't do it again.
P: Okay then.
J: Guys we'd better hurry now because we're going to be late.
All: OKAY. And they all ran.
Everything was fine until  the PE lesson started.
Debby was playing volleyball with her friends  and they were having great fun. Chris, on the other hand was playing basketball with his friends.
They were all having  such a great time...
When at the last minute,  right before the bell rang , a tremendous noise sounded in  everyone's ears. Unfortunately Debby happened to be near the place where the incident occurred and while everyone was wondering where that noise  was coming from Debby fell to the ground...
Blood was everywhere, near her head, her body... Everywhere.
It took a while for everyone to understand and when Chris saw her, he started crying above her dead corpse.

It took a while for everyone to understand and when Chris saw her, he started crying above her dead corpse

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A shot to the head took Debby's life and Chris' reason to be happy.
When the teachers realised they called an ambulance and her parents.
But they didn't know one thing...

The handsome and the tomboy(Part two)Where stories live. Discover now