In the hospital

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During her stay in the hospital Debby was having a dream.
~In Debby's dream ~
Where am I? What is this place?
~strange voice~
You are now in your classmate's  mind.
Debby: Whose one exactly?
Strange voice: In the person's mind that cares for you the most.
D: Angie ?
Sv: No! In Chris' mind.
D: But why you brought me in his he doesn't even care about my existence.
Sv: That's wrong, he just doesn't know how to express himself correctly.
D: Father is that you?
F: Yes! Now listen to his thoughts.
~in Chris'mind~
I want to see her, I want to see her smile, I want HER![started to cry].

Debby: Why are you crying stop I'm fine and I'm right beside you.[startes to disappear]. Ehh, what's happening!?No!!!
Returns to her dream.
Debby: why you showed this to me?
Father/God: because your wish came true. There's someone that loves and cares for you.
D: Well thank you Father without you I wouldn't have realised that. Thanks for everything.
F: It's nothing my child,you should wake  up sooner or later though he's really upset and sad.
D: Don't  worry I will. See you, Father.
F/G: Goodbye my child and good luck.
After Debby's conversation with God she was sleeping until she heard a very familiar yet very upset voice...
Please let me see her. I need to guarantee her life.[crying].
Okay fine but be extremely careful.
C: thank you!
N: Nothing my dear.( what a cute and caring boyfriend).
Chris was now running as fast as he could to go and see her. He made it in time. He had entered the right room.
~In the  room~
C: she's so cute when she sleeps.

Debby woke up crying because she wanted to guarantee that he cared for her so she pretended  to had a bad dream and Chris hugged and comforted her to calm down.
When she realised it was him she was shoked and said sorry that he had to calm her down. Chris now increased the tone in his voice and said:
Are you crazy!! I'm here because of that, because I wanted to see you and actually ask you something .
Debby: and what that could be?
Chris : In the past few days I realised that you mean a lot to me . And that if possible , would you like to be my girlfriend?
Debby couldn't believe it but she agreed because she saw the look of truth in his eyes and because Father told her. So...
Debby: It's okay I want to be your girlfriend but could you please keep thay secret from others?
Chris: Don't worry unlike that time I'm prepared and I will keep that promise.
Debby was happier than ever she would hug him but the nurse came inside and told him to leave because it was time for her to eat. So Chris leaved happy and looked forward when she was about to  leave the hospital. The day ended for those two lovebirds... happily...

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