The "revival" of the dead

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Debby was put into the ambulance quick but carefully. The doctors said that they were sorry for the loss of the student and that they could do anything to bring her back to life. Then they left.
Meanwhile in the classroom everyone was wondering if she was going to be either dead or alive. Chris was really sad and upset, he had cried his eyes out because of his sadness.
I trully loved that person, why is God so cruel. Why does it have to be her anyway!? When it's available I will go to see her. That's a must. In two weeks I'm going to hospital. He thought.
When Angie returned home from school to talk to Debby on Messenger her mother called out her name while crying her eyes out.
Mother what happened!?
It's about Debby!
A: What!!??
M: A bullet shot her head and now she's in the hospital.
A: You're joking right!? That must not be true!?[she was now crying for her twin's loss].
M: I'm sorry and you were like stisters ,you knew each other from a very young age!
Angie went to her room and her eyes were as red as blood. She couldn't believe it so she told her mother that she would go to hospital to see her . Her mother agreed and they left together.
The little detail that everyone missed was that she was alive, she had just fainted. The bullet actually hit her on the forehead but it didn't go deep inside her head . She was alive but still unconscious.

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