In the house (part two)

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After that night Debby was looking forward of inviting him again.
In the school everything was fine and the day passed smoothly. When the day finished Chris ran to Debby to invite her to his house.
C: So do you want to come over at my place this Saturday?
D: Sure thing. What time?
C: Come at six okay?
D: okay, see you then.
C: See you.
Debby was waiting for the day to pass so badly so that she could see him. We can also say the same for him. In his basketball practise he missed many shoots because he was thinking of her . When his practise was over he went home and took a shower and slept.
Meanwhile Debby was at an adidas shop to buy a present for him as a thanks for his present. She chose a black  hoodie  and a basket ball.
The day had come and it was quarter to six. Debby told her mother about that and then left.
She knocked the door and  Chris welcomed herand then took her inside his room
D: This is for you. Hope you like it. If you don't, you can change it.
C: Are you crazy it's the hoodie that I wanted thus a new basket ball!
You are the best! I LOVE YOU!"kisses".

C: Are you crazy it's the hoodie that I wanted thus a new basket ball!You are the best! I LOVE YOU!"kisses"

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D: "blushes"

D: It's nothing really

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D: It's nothing really. I'm happy that you like it so let's watch something.
C: Okay this time you choose.
D: Whatever I want?
C: Absolutely!
Debby obviously chose an anime to watch with him but it was about basketball so she hoped that he would like it. When he returned he asked her what she picked. She didn't give a straight answer but she said that he would like it. He was curious to see.
When the episode started he immediately realised it was about basket and he was happy. They watched many episodes. They ate and Debby realised that it was too late to go back so she had to stay in his house! She informed her mother and she reassured her it was okay  . Of course Chris' parents agreed too and told them to go to sleep. Debby was not so okay; it was a little cold and she wasn't feeling alright,so Chris told her to pick one of his hoodies for the night. She picked the one that she wanted to buy  for herself and asked where she would sleep.
C: You can sleep with me since we only got one bed.
D: You're right. I guess?
They were both in bed .
D: Oyasumi.
C: Oyasumi. Those japanese are perfect.
D: I know. Now oyasumi again.
C: oyasumi.

(Good night my lovebirds😏😏😏)

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(Good night my lovebirds😏😏😏)

The handsome and the tomboy(Part two)Where stories live. Discover now