In the house (part three)

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Days passed until the exam period started. That period was rough for them. Debby had to learn by heart history, study physics and maths and get prepared for Greek language.
She did pretty well at all even though she didn't expect to pass physics exam she was alright with that. Let's say that she did better than Chris because she was better than him in language and history, thus she passed the physics exam so there it goes her power of concentration.
Debby knew that she was going to be away from him for a long time because of holidays so...
D: Would you like to come to my place for the last time?
C: I would really like to, but why last time?
D: Because I'm leaving next week and the whole family is going to get prepared, I also asked my mom if you could come and she agreed so...
C: Naruhoto(= I see, in japanese) what time?
D:"laughs" At seven okay?
C: Roger that. I'll sure come.
D: Okay then, sayonara(=goodbye)
C: Sayonara
The day has come and it was about time for Chris to head to her house. He told his mother and then left.
Meanwhile Debby got ready and waited for him. This time she wanted to let him hear the masterpiece that she was going to play at a concert and sing him some of her favourite songs. She would let him sing him his too.
It's time and Chris knocked the door and Debby welcomed him in her room. She said him her plans and he was  enthralled to hear her sing and play the guitar.
D: Here I go...
C: It's okay calm down and play...
She started playing and he felt like they were in a forest and he was listening to an harmonic song by a beautiful creature of the forest.

(Well you have a really nice imagination I have to admit Chris!😏😏😉😉)
When Debby finished he was gazing her with an amazed look.
D: "smiles" Are you okay?
C: "blushes" Yeah I just thought that you should have transfered to a music school!
D: Actually I would but it is pretty far from my house.
C: Naruhoto.
D: Okay then  let me sing some of my favourite songs and then you're going to sing.
C: I don't have a beautiful , soft,warm voice like you so don't blame me if your ears are bleeding.
D: Don't be so pessimistic, I don't think you're so untalented though, let's start.
C: okay

Debby finished and she found him again with his mouth open his eyes lost in an parallel universe.
D:" laughs" Your turn daydreamer
C: Oh okay
In Debby's imagination

He finished and found her in a parallel universe too.
C: Look who's daydreaming now.
D: Okay got me; But you also have a beautiful voice too.
C: You're joking right!?
D: Nope. You just need someone to teach you how to sing correctly.
C: And who could that be?
D: Let me teach you the way.
C: Okay.
Hours passed quickly and our cute couple noticed it a little late that it was too late for Chris to go to his house; so...
D: Sorry Chris I was so into it that I forgot.
C: No need to; I had fun and also why don't I sleep here tonight ?
D: I guess it's a good idea I don't want anything to happen to you if you go out there.
C: It is okay no need to worry for me and also shall we sleep.
D: Okay
Debby told her mother and she agreed so they went to bed. Debby's big brother was also at his friends house so Debby told Chris to wear her brother pajamas cause they wear the same size.
D: Are you ready?
C: Hai (= yes in japanese)
They went to bed and said goodnight to each other, and then slept.

D: Are you ready?C: Hai (= yes in japanese)They went to bed and said goodnight to each other, and then slept

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

( Good night my lovebirds😏😏😏)

The handsome and the tomboy(Part two)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن