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"Just say you won't let go."
-James Arthur, "Say You Won't Let Go"


Ally watched Jackson as he played with Charlie, feeling a smile make it's way across her lips. Jackson didn't notice she was standing there watching them just yet, and she didn't mind.

Moments like this were her favorite. They were sweet and innocent. Seeing the man that she loved so happy and so full of life, playing with their dog, it was everything to her. This was what she wished it could be like all of the time. Of course, happy moments like this weren't RARE by any means, but she knew that her husband wasn't always happy like this, even if he deserved it more than anything.

"You two having fun?" She asked, deciding to break the silence.

Jackson turned towards her, a stick in his hand, Charlie at his feet waiting for him to throw it. "Hey, I was wondering why you were gone so long."

"It's a long story. Come in." She told him, all happiness in her fading back into anxiety.

"Come on, Charlie." Jackson motioned towards the dog, who followed him inside excitedly.

They sat next to each other on the couch, and Ally quickly moved closer to him so that she could rest her head on his shoulder. "You have leaves in your hair." She commented, giggling and pulling them out.

"Really?" He asked, chuckling.

"Yes. I guess getting rough with Charlie can get messy, huh?"

"Yeah, I guess so. So, what's wrong? What happened?"

"How do I put this... well, I don't really have a manager anymore. Me and Rez argued, and it ended up with him telling me how hard it's going to be to clean up after myself. I guess I'm fine with it... me and him weren't getting along lately, but it's still scary."


"Yeah. We might've butted heads a lot, but he did do a lot for me. Now, I have no idea where my career is going to go. Or if I even have one anymore."

"Of course you have one. People want to hear what you have to say. That's not going to change, no matter who your manager is. I've told you this before and I'll keep saying it until you understand. You're talented. People love you. That's never going to change."

She felt a blush creep it's way into her cheeks. Jackson always knew how to reassure her and make it so that her insecurities were just something in her own head and nothing more. "All I wanted to do was tell him to not comment on you because it's not his business, and it turned into all of that. He also tried to convince to still do the European tour."

"Did you tell him that you were pregnant?"

"I did. And he made some comment about how it's somehow your fault, and how I'm letting you hold me back yet again. It was ridiculous."

Jackson didn't answer for a few seconds, letting out a sigh. "I'm sorry."

She picked her head up, and stared into his blue eyes. "What?"

"I hate that you're doing this again."

"Doing what? What are you talking about?"

"If it weren't for me, there would've never been a fucking problem between you and him. None of this would've happened. You're giving up things for me, and you don't deserve that shit."

"Jack..." She said, pulling him into her embrace. "That's not true. It wasn't just things to do with you. He was starting to get controlling over what I was going to put out and do, and I didn't want that. I want people to want to listen to ME, not whatever he wants to make me. This would've happened one way or another. Don't blame yourself."

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