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A/N: before we get into my answers, what do you guys say is your favorite moment? Favorite line? Favorite scene? Music that reminds you of this fic

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A/N: before we get into my answers, what do you guys say is your favorite moment? Favorite line? Favorite scene? Music that reminds you of this fic. Please let me know, I love hearing what my readers had to say about these sorts of things!!


1. Well the movie itself I suppose, I tried my best to keep Ally and Jack's voices clear in this, as well as their characters. Everybody else too.

2. Jackson finding the pregnancy test.

3. I'm not exactly sure, if I'm being honest.

4. When Jackson is telling Ally to take it easy on herself in the last chapter. He knows how it feels and wants the best for her.

5. The first few chapters, because I couldn't just jump to the happiness, obviously. I wish that I could honestly. But, there needs to be some suffering first. That's just life I suppose.

6. I've never written a fix it/alternate ending fic. I always stray from the canon, it was odd to write something like this, but also so damn enjoyable. I've mentioned this before, but my favorite thing about writing fanfiction is the way I can manipulate and make what I want happen!

7. "This Is Gospel" by Panic! At The Disco.

8. I've mentioned this before, but I have a real life friend who's an alcoholic, and he has been since he was about 15 years old, I've known him for about 6 years at this point. He's helped me with so much of this story, and I'm so glad to have someone like him, he's one of the strongest people I know, and I'm glad that he was able to inform me and trusted me enough. So yeah, most of Jackson's experiences, even conversations with the therapist were based on him, somewhat, not completely to fit Jack's character.

9. Ally was originally going to call Jack after her show and tell him about her being pregnant, but I just couldn't find a way to make that make sense.

10. That one is obvious enough.

11. Just everything I guess. That as a fanfic writer I'm able to write something like this, and give you all what I wish would've happened.

12. Some of the tough subjects were difficult to write because of the amount of research I had to do, that sort of stuff is terrifying in fics because I don't want to get it wrong. Like I said before, I've consulted friends who have dealt with (and still dealing) with alcoholism just so I don't do anything wrong. Some of them have never even seen ASIB. I didn't exactly HATE it though, writing it opened my eyes quite a bit.

13. All of the song used in the chapters. I made a playlist on SoundCloud of them, check it out!

14. You can recover. You can get better. You deserve happiness.

15. How many people actually liked this movie. Lmao but really, writing this taught me a great deal about mental health.

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