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"Never need to go back to the way I was."
-Maroon 5, "The Way I Was"


The next few days passed in agony for Ally and Jackson.

For Jackson, it was a matter of his body begging him to give it alcohol or something of the sort again. That was the biggest problem with allowing yourself to drink again, even just a little bit. Your body wouldn't give up until you did it again, remembering just how much it relied on it before.

It was painful, and it was pitiful. He made some calls to see who he could see and talk to, maybe it would help. He hated relying on others and needing help, he always had. But this wasn't relying on someone, it was realizing that he had a problem. It was the first step to getting better for good, wasn't it?

For Ally, her pregnancy was simply making her more and more sick. She spent her time vomiting, in pain, and just moody overall. It made everything simply more miserable. She felt herself resting more than she ever had.

How in the hell could she have ever toured like this? She would've been absolutely miserable, and would've not wanted to continue at all. Rez had been out of his mind suggesting that.

Speaking of Rez, he seemed to not know when to stop speaking, because more and more rumors were flying around about Ally, and Jackson even.

For most of her career, Ally didn't really have to deal with that much untrue gossip. There was of course a level of it, but it was never to this degree.

It was no surprise, though. Rez had a very high level of power within the industry, what he said and did was held at a very high standard and always looked at as truth, no matter how ludicrous. That was simply just the way it was.

Thankfully, the things he was saying weren't too out of hand. At least for now. She was pissed off when she saw the comments about Jackson, but they were nothing too serious, so she decided not to entertain it. Anything more serious though, and she would have something to say to him. She didn't care what their relationship was anymore, it didn't give him the right to be disrespectful. Hopefully it wouldn't go any further than it was. She was sure that it wouldn't, but then again, you never knew with a person like him...

"You alright?" She heard her husband ask, and she turned over slowly to meet his eye. He was sitting on top the bed next to her.

"I'm... fine." She answered, her body still a bit groggy. She should of have gotten up, but her boy was simply insisting on more sleep. So that was what she was going to do.

"Just making sure. You've been in bed a lot lately, that's why I'm askin'."

"This pregnancy is making me a lot more sick than I thought. At first, it wasn't bad so I had hope. But now, my hope has been crushed." She said, giggling weakly.

"I can't imagine what it feels like. We have an appointment coming up soon, right?"

"Yeah, this Friday. Just some usually check ups and stuff. I don't know if we'll know if it's a boy or girl yet."

"Once we find out, I'm gonna start working on a nursery. We're gonna turn one of the rooms we don't really use, and make it a place for the baby."

Ally smiled. "Have you thought about names at all? For either or?"

"Not really, if I'm being honest."

"I haven't either. Guess we really aren't prepared for this parent thing, are we?"

"I'm sure we'll get used to it. I hope so."

She moved over, resting her head in his lap. "You know, when I first did that test, I was scared. I didn't really know what to think."

This Is The Beat Of My Heart | A Star Is Born ✔️Where stories live. Discover now