11. (!)

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A/N: (!)= mature/triggering content. There are mentions of blood in this chapter.


Been lookin' for a star-sent sign that I'll be alright,
Look to the skies,
I've found a rainbow."
-Kesha, "Rainbow"


Jackson sat down at the piano, and immediately he began playing around with the keys.

He was trying to see what fit best. He had some ideas, but nothing that really stuck. That's what was the bad part about music. You could have a beautiful set of lyrics and no melody that could possibly fit it, and vice versa.

He wasn't used to making music and not knowing exactly where it was going to go, usually he always had long and detailed ideas as he was writing. But for this, all he had were lyrics. And he loved this song so far, loved what he had.

It had the usual dark and mysterious Jackson Maine aura about it, but it also had a lot of sweet mixed in, because it was about his daughter after all.

He hoped he wasn't in a slump and had to start writing all over again. That was usually what happened in times like this.

He hoped that this wasn't the case here. He didn't care regardless. He was going to find something that fit, even if it killed him.

Or so he thought.

His sporadic piano playing was interrupted by a blood curdling scream from none other than his wife.

He shot up immediately, and went running into the bedroom. Charlie was even following, knowing that something wasn't right.

"Ally?" He said, running towards the bed where she was laying.

"Jack, Jack. Oh my god. I don't know what happened. There's blood. Everywhere. Oh my god, there's blood. We need to go to a hospital." She was frantic, tears running down her face. She felt paralyzed and as though she couldn't move.

Jackson threw back the comforter, and immediately saw what she was talking about. On the sheets was a huge spot of blood that was spreading across the entire bed by the second. His eyes widened, and his heart rate immediately accelerated.

"Can you walk?" He asked her, and she nodded.

"I don't know if I can. I don't know." She told him in between sobs. She was terrified.

He lifted her up and set her down on her two feet. She wobbled a bit, clutching onto him.

"Are you still bleeding? I think I'm going to call an ambulance." He didn't know if she could make it to the car.

"Let's just go. I don't want to wait."

"I'll carry you. I'll bring a towel for you to sit on just in case."

He ran into the bathroom and quickly grabbed one, and then lifted her. He had no idea what the hell was going on, and he was scared to know.

He sat her down in the car, on top of the towel. She was still sobbing uncontrollably as he rushed his way to the driver's seat.

He started the car, and reached out to grab her hand. "It'll be okay. Shh. Calm down. Deep breaths."

She looked at him. "This can't be okay. What if she's gone, what if we lost our baby? I don't want her to be gone. Please drive."

He did so. He was scared of that as well. "What happened?" He asked her, genuine concern in both his eyes and his tone.

"I was half awake, and I felt it, at first I thought maybe my water broke. Then I pulled the sheets back and saw the blood. I don't know what it could be."

This Is The Beat Of My Heart | A Star Is Born ✔️Where stories live. Discover now