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A/N: sorry that it's been over a month since I updated this! (don't worry I hate myself too)

I was drowning in that lovely feeling that is being uninspired. But, I've finally climbed over that wall that kept me from not writing and decided to finally finish this story!


"I know forever don't exist, but after this life I'll find you in the next."
-Kesha, "Finding You"


"I see you're writing things again." Ally said, looking down at the paper she was clutching in her hands, a sparkle in her eye. That same sparkle that she had whenever she was happy or excited about something, it was downright adorable.

Jackson looked up at her, trying his best to tame the smile that was making its way onto his lips. It didn't work. She always found whatever he was working on, but it wasn't like he was hiding it all that well anyways.

It was actually a good feeling, having someone to read over the things that were in progress and tell you what they thought. It was odd for him to think, he knew that, but there were many quirks of life he only just discovered being with Ally.

"Yeah... I started something. It's not much, but I guess I couldn't help but write it down since it was in my head for so long." He smiled up at her.

She smiled back. "I think it's sweet. You have such a beautiful way with words, I don't think you realize that."

"Neither do you." He countered.

"Thank you." She never really knew what to say to compliments, she never really could believe that people would actually give them to her. She always assumed that they were just being nice. Even now, being married to Jackson, she still couldn't believe that HE of all people would breathe in her direction. Childish, she knew, but it was simply how she was.

She was blushing he noticed, and he stepped towards her and pulled her in for a hug.

"Don't crush the baby." She joked, even though the hug was soft. He had been especially soft lately, she noticed.

"Love you both." He whispered, kissing her lightly.

"We love you too." She said in response, kissing back, smiling into his lips.


Ally felt different.

She felt much lighter on her feet, she felt as though a weight had been lifted off of her.

Of course, everything in her life wasn't completely better, but things were starting to take a turn, and she realized this because of how good she felt about things.

Her pregnancy wasn't making her as sick as it once was, and she wasn't as nervous as she was before. Being sick and anxious wasn't a good combination, she was glad that she was more happy than anything now.

The nursery was coming together very well, Jackson was spending much of his time in there getting things together. She would often try and help, but he would insist that she didn't have to and that she should just rest inside.

Jackson had a much different aura about him as well, and that was a good thing. He had much more energy, more than he had really ever had before, which was strange, but also a pleasant surprise.

Jackson finally felt although he was going the right direction, that for once he was finally pushing himself to a good place. He wanted this. Seeing how good it felt, how happy it also made Ally, it was nothing but rewarding and he'd be lying if he said he didn't enjoy it and wished that he had actually pushed himself sooner. This was no time for what ifs, though.

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