Chapter 3

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" Thanks again for all the clothes and stuff," Bri said, getting out the car and trying to grab all her bags.

" Don't thank me, but I had fun," I said, not offering to help.

She gave me a quick smile, knowing I don't usually admit to my emotions.

" I had fun too. But what's your plans for over break?"

" Nothing. Parents are away. How about you?"

" Going to the beach with the family. I'll be gone until the end of break." she said, giving a guilty look.

I shrugged.

" Its cool. I'll text and call you every now and then," but she knew I'd hit her up every day.

She grabbed the last of her bags and closed the door by bumping it with her hip.

" Love you!" she exclaimed before waddling up the stairs to her house. 

As soon as she got in the house safely I left, stopping by the gas station to puck up an Arizona tea and bag two bags of marshmallows. Yes. The two loves of my life. I plan on spending the night catching up on Criminal Minds and eating. Perfect Saturday night.

When I got home I noticed only Austin's car was parked in the drive way. I parked next to his and made my way up the stairs, my bad in hand.

I went into the kitchen and sure enough there was a note from my mom stating her and dad would be on a business trip for the break. Again.

I shrugged and made my way upstairs to my bedroom. When I opened my bedroom door I took deep breaths and stared at what was displayed in front of me. I sat down my bag next to my bedroom door.

" Austin Grey!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

A minute later Austin came out of his room to stand beside me.

" Yes?" he asked, trying to keep his face straight.

" Care to explain this?" I said pointing in the directions of my room with out looking. He looked past me and took in the scene of red plastic cups filled with water all across my bedroom floor, making it impossible to walk in without tipping them over.

" I have no idea how that happened sweetie," he said, letting his amusement show, which pissed me off even more.

I crossed my arms over my chest and he did the same but leaned against the wall also.

" So you think that Santa decided to pay an early visit and leave me this?"

He shrugged, now letting his smirk show.

" Better than coal."

I narrowed my eyes and stood so close to him that I could feel him breathing. I jabbed my finger into his chest as I spoke slowly.

" You've just started something you won't be able to finish."

" May the best win."

" Oh she will," I said, implying to myself.

He pushed himself off the wall and I took a step back so we weren't so close.

" I'll leave you to figure that situation out."

With that said, he went back into his room, slamming the door as hard as he could so a row of cups spilled over on the carpet.

" Asshole!"

I stood there with my hands on my hips and sighed. Might as well start now.


I tossed the towel I had been using to dry off my hair onto the floor of my room and plopped onto my bed. I've been spending the last five hours picking up all the cups and every now and then Austin would slam a door so several would spill. My carpet was still wet in patches which frustrated me to no end. After finishing picking up all the cups I had taken a shower and washed my hair.

Turning on the TV I turned to my favorite show and took a chug of my tea from the jug. I lazily texted Bri and explained to her about what had happened. She couldn't believe it and it made me mad when she told me she thought it was funny.

After catching up on the whole last season that I've missed it was around four in the morning. I tried to grab a handful of marshmallows to realize the bag was empty. I groaned and waited a couple seconds before getting up and heading downstairs.

I stopped on the bottom step when I heard the TV on and took in what was in front of me.

Austin was sitting in the dark, Hairspray playing on the tv. I heard him mumbling but I wasn't sure if he was singing along or just talking to himself. He had a can of beer in his hand and four empty cans in front of him.

" What are you doing?" I asked, walking down the last step and into the kitchen.

" What does it look like?" he only partially slurred.

I grabbed a bag from my stash of marshmallows and came to sit on the couch.

" Why this movie? Don't expect a guy like you to be watching this."

" What kind of guy am I?"

" Asshole and ignorant. Guy who thinks he can have whoever and whatever he wants. Have the biggest ego and think the world revolves around them."

He stared at me for a while before looking back at the screen and taking a swig of his beer. He placed down the empty can and grabbed another can, popping it open.

" Why are you drinking this late?"

" Why are you asking so many questions?"

" Why are you answering my question with a question?"

" Why are you being a bitch?"

I glared at him and shrugged, popping a couple marshmallows into my mouth.

" I don't care. I'm just wondering."

I then noticed a silver chain with a heart pendent in his other hand. He was stroking his thumb across it slowly.

" Whats that?"

He gave me a confused look and I looked at his hand. He looked down at it as if he didn't know how it got there. Austin gave me a quick shrug before placing it into the pocket of his shorts.

" Not going to answer?"

" You know maybe more people would like you if you would just stay out of peoples business and maybe a little more caring," he spat at me, suddenly angry.

I was taken aback and masked my hurt quickly, glad I had lots of practice from it.

" Enjoy your beer and being a no good for anything drunk," I muttered before stalking off to my room.

I fought the urge to slam my door and lied down in bed, planning on how I was going to get Austin back from the cup prank.

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