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"What does he even mean by 'Wear something casual'? Doesn't he know, we girls do a whole science project when it comes to getting ready?" Hailey exclaimed while rummaging through her closet because she'd come to the conclusion that my fashion sense sucked.

"You're doing a whole science project on this, not me. I just wanted to go for black skinny jeans, a blue-white striped long sleeved shirt along with black converse." I clarified as if she cared.

"Yeah but that's too casual! You wanna come to the next round, right? We'll have to dress you like you deserve it!" Hailey retorted holding a black dress that was way more than casual against my body.

"And you should wear more makeup than just mascara. Winged eyeliner would suit your eye shape so well!"

I rolled my eyes. My makeup skills went to a minimum. I was glad, I could put on mascara without stabbing my eyes.

"Hailey, I'm pretty sure, he said 'casual' and that dress is way more. Just let me wear what I've decided on in the first place." I whined looking at her with puppy eyes.

Sighing she threw the dress back into her closet, not even caring to hang it up again.

"If you say so! But when you're kicked out, don't come to me crying!" She said dramatically, making me roll my eyes again.

"As if." I mumbled

So I got dressed and calmed down Hailey a little when I put on a little more make up than I usually would. I even asked her for a flattering bronzer, figuring we had a similar skin tone.

"You're looking alright." She snorted eyeing me up and down when I put on my leather jacket, "Just one thing needs to be changed."

She walked up to me and caught my hair tie pulling it out my ponytail.

"You have such pretty hair. Don't hide it with a stupid ponytail, Y/N." She said lovingly making me smile shyly, "And now, go girl! Make some boys' heads turn."

Laughing she pushed me out of our dorm.

I was still lowly giggling when she waved at me from our balcony as I walked over to the BTS house, which was only ten minutes away from our dorm.

On my way, my heart started to pound faster out of excitement. I didn't know what to expect.

I looked up at the building in front of me. It looked like a little cozy house. Above the front door was a sign, on which 'BTS house' was written on in English and in Hangul, last one a clue that all of them had korean roots.

I took a deep breath while walking up the stairs to the porch and an even deeper breath before I rang the doorbell.

Soon enough, the front door was torn open, exposing Jeon Jungkook smiling broadly.

"Y/N, welcome! Come in!" He exclaimed taking my hand and pulling me inside the house.

I was surprised he knew my name, at the same time: We had lecture together and they probably did their research on me.

Jungkook led me to the living room, where the other boys were lounging around on the couch, eating snacks, laughing and talking to the other girls. I recognized a few of the girls but no one I had closer contact to.

"Guys, our last guest has arrived: Y/N Y/L/N!" Jungkook announced. Everyone's head turned to us. The attention made my face heat up, adding to my awkwardness, not only because I was the last one to arrive.

"Then we can finally start!" Kim Namjoon declared holding up a bottle of beer, making everyone cheer. Then the music died down.

Jungkook had his hand on the small of my back, leading me further to the group. "Don't worry." He whispered into my ear, his hot breath fanning over my skin. He smelled like peppermint gum, expensive cologne and a little bitter hint of beer.

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